Depression and AF

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Depression and AF

Postby afpain123 » 09 Jun 2013, 17:57

How to cope with depression/hopelessness and negative thoughts ?Any pointers will help
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby suzyljank » 09 Jun 2013, 19:38

Hi, the first thing you need to do is see a CRS and get a diagnosis. Then decide on a course of treatment. If surgery is your option don't wait too long. In the mean time keep your bms soft and easy to pass, sitz baths or sitting on a heating pad helps with spasms. Fissures are a very painful and depressing condition. I know exactly how you feel. It kind of steals your life away a little at a time but having a treatment plan and other options if the first plan doesn't work really helps. It gives you hope that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. You have to have hope. I can't stress enough how important it is to reach out and see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. It also helps to have someone to talk too. That's part of the reason this forum is so great. When things got really bad for me I liked to get lost in music. Actually Christmas music, people would look at me funny when they would hear Christmas music coming from my house in the summer but it helped me. You just have to find what works for you, but never give up. Don't let these nasty butt problems win. Be strong. Hope I helped Suzy.
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 09 Jun 2013, 23:18

I wonder if you waited a long time before writing here or going in for medical help. I consider myself very strong and dealt with severe AF pain for weeks on my own. Of course, as soon I got pain relieving ointment and bought a sitz bath that helped with coping. Anyhow, at times it is incredibly painful, kind of embarrassing, ruins your life (at least temporarily) and just sucks. So, yes it is very depressing! That's probably why someone started this forum. To provide encouragement and practical ideas. Share your story in more detail to get support. And you, too, can heal or find the help you need to heal. As horrible as it is, let's all be glad it's not life-threatening! And I hope your morning bm tomorrow isn't as bad as todays! Image
I am feeling better after about four months of very slow progress.
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby Savaici » 10 Jun 2013, 09:02

So sorry that you are not feeling so good, and depressed on top of everything. We have all been there, afpain123 Image It is hard to be on top of the world when you are in awful pain, so don't worry about that. I too have my up and down days. We all do.
Suzy has some very good suggestions, and I think that they are the ones to follow. We are here for you. Image
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby afpain123 » 10 Jun 2013, 09:10

Thanks guys for your support.
I always ate very healthy and it kind of sucks that I got this AF.
I was constipated in March and that when I got the AF. I ate bran in early May to get more fiber.Worst mistake of my life.It teared apart my AF and now  I started taking Miralax since May and it feels little better now.
I went to 3 GI and no one said about Miralax the last one suggested Miralax.Stool softeners never worked for me ...
I feel that AF is controlling my life.
Thanks again for support.
Last edited by afpain123 on 16 Jun 2013, 20:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 10 Jun 2013, 11:32

Hi Afpain, I remembered a strategy I used on my hardest days. I did hourly affirmations. Something like, 'I am able to heal. I will follow my diet and take good care of myself. I will seek and receive help. I can heal.' This gave me something to focus on besides fear and the discomfort/pain. I like Suzy's idea of listening to music (whatever kind you like) as it also gives you something positive to focus on. Best of luck!!! :)
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby owmybum » 10 Jun 2013, 12:01

It's just the pits when things get so bad. We have all been there let me assure you.
One thing you have to remind yourself is that things WILL improve, slowly, little by little, your body will start to repair itself, it won't always be this painful... Give yourself some hope.
Try relaxing in a warm bath with your favourite music on, watch your favourite film, talk to friends and family.. Taking your mind off your butt is a good thing... There were weeks when it was all I thought of morning noon and night.. It lead to extreme anxiety. I ended up seeing the dr and getting anti anxiety meds, and for me, they really helped.
We are all here for you
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby afpain123 » 10 Jun 2013, 14:07

Thanks all for your kind words !! Trying to take one day(hour) at a time .. Its just that I dont feel any light in this dark journey ..
Some days are good and some are bad and it really hurts at times and it is good to vent !! Image
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby marg6043 » 10 Jun 2013, 15:18

afpain123 wrote:How to cope with depression/hopelessness and negative thoughts ?Any pointers will help

Is not easy, but you can manage, I developed depression and anxiety in my first months with the fissure, the pain, the discomfort, to see your life turn over because you can not control how you feel.
But you can find help, if you feel that you have no where to go you always get professional help until your fissure gets under control.
Is nothing wrong with feeling hopelessness and negative thoughts, we all do in what way or the other, but the key is to get help when help is need it.
I wish you the best.
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Re: Depression and AF

Postby Ever the Optimist » 11 Jun 2013, 13:57

I too can relate big-time!
Already slightly prone to depression by nature, my fissure pulled me down into a big black hole, from which I could see no way out of. I was sinking big time and my first step was to my GP for a good chat and a good cry. I was also prescribed AD's which have been a life saver for me and although they are not for every one, I needed them to pick me back up and lift my mood and depressed brain cells to a level where I could function & think properly again and then gain my inner strength and determination to get through it all and they helped HUGELY.
I also started to meditate again, practice mindfulness, use positive affirmations every morning I got up, every night I went to bed, everytime I went for a BM. I told myself that it was all a temporary situation, life wouldn't always be like this, trust that my body has all the healing properties it needs to heal itself, I was growing stronger by the day but most importantly that the fissure was healing day by day!........
I threw myself into all sorts of distractions and activities - started new hobbies/ listened to music through headphones (this really helps "block out" negative thoughts as they arise)/ got "lost" in good books, had a lot more "early" nights and just talked about it to anyone who listened and I'm quite sure, bored the pants off a few (!) but it helped me release MY burden and that really helped. I took pleasure in devising fissure-friendly recipes and actually my life changed for the better through my coping mechanisms!
You have to be optimistic and positive to get through the worst and do whatever you need to do to get to that level....All the very best to you and come vent whenever you need to..... :)
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