Botox- Still undecided!

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Botox- Still undecided!

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 16 Jul 2013, 16:24

Got my Botox scheduled for Aug 1, but still undecided if I should bother.
Following all advice my CRS gave me (cut down on Miralax) has led to worsening symptoms after 12+ months of being pain-free.
Been take 3 doses/ day of Miralax, and tried tapering down. Made it to 2.5/day, any less than that and I get a Bristol 3 *insert spasms and blood here*. Tried to switch over to a magnesium supplement, and at 300mg/day plus 1.5 doses of Miralax, I still get a Bristol 3 that I can't tolerate. Yikes.
Haven't had this much pain since March 2012.
Now I'm retracing my steps to get back to what I was doing before when I was pain-free, spasm-free, mostly blood-free.
But I'm wondering if getting Botox will be of any use?
Downside of Botox: $500 cost, small risks, and it might not work for me.
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby guiness » 16 Jul 2013, 17:29

Did you start out taking three doses/day? Just wondering what happened to end up taking so much miralax.
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 17 Jul 2013, 08:53

I started out just taking one dose/ day, but it was early days of double fissure for me and I was in so much pain (and allergic to Diltiazem) that I couldn't handle much. The start of my BM's, no matter what my diet, were always a bit too firm at that stage and the only thing that worked was a bigger dose of Miralax.
My first doctor assured me it was all fine to do, for as long as needed..... but here I am, 1.5 yrs later, not quite healed, and seemingly dependent on Miralax!
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby guiness » 17 Jul 2013, 09:07

If you still arent healed how can you take it. If im not healed by september im having either botox or surgery.
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 17 Jul 2013, 09:20

With my diet and doses of Miralax, I haven't had spasms or painful BM's (until now) for over 12 months, so it was very manageable! But if I strayed from my diet, I would be reminded that my fissures were still there and not totally healed.
So, trying to alter my diet on the advice of my CRS has led me to where I am these past few weeks: bloody pain!
So- if I haven't has spasms and pain for a long time, and didn't heal yet, why would Botox help?
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby Guest » 17 Jul 2013, 09:26

Hi notmuchfunanymore
It appears you're struggling to keep your stools soft-(bristol 4-6). Finding ways to do this before going for the botox may be a wiser choice, just my opinion though.
What if after the three months or so when the botox wears off and your constipated, whats to stop another re-tear or new tear. Always consult with your Dr. for the steps to take and hopefully you will come up with the right decision.
Another way to look at it is, just getting the shot may give you the impetus during those 3 months to control your bm with the miralax, all the while healing, then after several months of healing with the botox and miralax, then you can try to wean yourself off the miralax and hopefully by now you would have found the right diet to keep your stools @ bristol 4-6
But all in all, botox or not, keeping stools soft is your first line of defense. Keep searching for that diet, water, exercise routine and your bound to come up with something.

Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 17 Jul 2013, 16:20

If I could keep 'em soft on my own, that would be the best! But, I honestly can't get any better than the routine I'm already following--- oatbran, flax, veggie-fruit smoothies, salads, beans, whole grains, 3L water. Little to no dairy, gluten, meat.
Wish my CRS was a better listener! I don't think we understand eachother.
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 17 Jul 2013, 16:29

I'm currently getting a consistent Bristol 6 (10 days consecutively now).
I'm drinking 5 litres of water a day. I take a probiotic drink in the morning along with a sachet of Movicol. I then have wheatabix with flaxseed and fruit on top at breakfast a couple hours later.
At lunch I'll have something like a brown pitta and houmous but I chew vigorously and drink a litre of water before , during and after. Usually have a pear or nectarine - the juicer the better. I'll then have another Movicol.
Tea time I will then have some boiled veggies (broccoli works well) with some chicken and brown rice. Again chewed to within an inch of its life. With another litre of water. 2 hours later I'll have a movicol.
My advice for soft BS 6's - lots of water - especially with meals. And CHEW the hell out of it.
I've had a double fissurectomy & Botox after 3 years of razor poops and its the best decision I've ever made. I'm nearly 5 weeks post op and the past 10 days have been the most relieving of the last 3 years.
Hope that helps!
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 17 Jul 2013, 16:42

Thanks Welsh!
Do you notice if your body is becoming dependent on Movicol?
I ask because every time I try tapering off is when I have problems, yet the diet I currently have would've given me Bristol 8 pre-fissure.
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Re: Botox- Still undecided!

Postby WelshDoubleFissure » 18 Jul 2013, 02:05

Everyone is different when it comes to BMs. My mum won't have a probiotic drink because it'll give her diarrhoea. Me on the other hand can knock them back... And nothing.
Some people poop after a cup of coffee. Me on the other hand can knock them back... And nothing.
Orange by 7 - poop by 11. Nope, not me.
It amazing really. I have found movicol to be consistent for me. I changed from movicol to laxido (my doctor prescribed instead) and it threw me out completely. Retear! Matched back down the doctors and demanded it.
I won't be coming off movicol (3sachets a day) until I hit the 3 month mark and I am a huge step closer to healing.
By which time, it's likely I'll look into coming down to 2 a day but sticking to a diet. Then eventually introducing some new yummy foods back in and maybe discussing with my CRS about dilation to prep for the dreaded Bristol 4 that had been keeping me open for 4 years. My concern is that my butt hole will get lazy from not having to deal with my previous BS 4s (mega monsters like toilet roll tube sized!). I'll need to gently make them larger.
Having a fissure for 4 years and finally getting some relief while pooping (I.e not pooping razor blades) is so amazing and will realistically make you change your lifestyle. If I'm not able to poop larger stools because of a retear possibility then it would be a long thought process about being on movicol for a long time in order to have some normality in my life. Would I be prepared for that? It's weighing up what's important. Being pain free but ruled by medicine. Or risking having to go through surgery and healing again and again. To me that's a no brainer.
Bristol 8? That must be off the scale!
Not sure if my body is dependant. I guess I'm in the early stages of using it and it'll be a fair few months before I can consider reducing. I know that it's working for me now and a reduction in it will surely put me back 4 weeks. I AM NOT GOING BACK THERE! In your face fissure!
Hope that helps.
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