Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

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Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby bobasTic3 » 01 Aug 2013, 10:58

I just got this whole thing 2 month ago. I'm sufeering with total weird new feelings , pressure in the anus/rectum and stuff.
I realize NOW IT HAS HAPPENED, i cannot undo it. I'm damaged. And I still have to keep on living.
I haven't accepted it fully yet so i keep thinking "why me?" and "ohh no.. i'm never gonna be normal".
But at the same time, I guess i have no choice but to accept my new feelings as the new normal.
I have been feeling pains, and pressure and stuff. so i don't feel like my anus/rectum is relaxed like i used to be. But recently it seems like alittle more liveable than in the beginning. If i had to live with how i'm feeling now,,,,, i guess i could. Thats life, right? You just have to adapt and move on.   i have some deep pains though so i'm gonna get checked by the doctor next week.
However, if he said that's how you have to live. You have some nerve damage or something and that's how you have to be.
Then, I guess i would have to just get used to it.
PS in my case i don't feel pain with BMs. I just feel deep pain at random times when i'm living my life. But i have rectal presure, pains, and no urge to poo or sometimes light urge that decieves me cause i dont know if i can really do or not. ANd also tenderness in the inside of the anus or rectum.  And gas leakage. i may have fecal incontinence too but not really, i haven't felt that much.   And when i manage to do Poo, takes concentration to do it, and sometimes i do but not enough or not the same amount i used to do when i was normal
PS i'm male age 30s. I have many other health problems that i have gotten used to and live with them. But it will take some REWIRING of my brain if i have to accept this forever
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby JHH » 01 Aug 2013, 11:23

Yes, as time passes, we adapt. It will still be a pain in the ass, but your attention will not be drawn to it all the time. BUT, please give time. Two months is really nothing if you have a chronic fissure, and I'm sure you too will heal up, and move on.
Get it checked out, and work on getting it fixed. Don't go around thinking the worst.
- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby bobasTic3 » 01 Aug 2013, 15:27

Thanks so much. You're great.
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby Please go-away! » 01 Aug 2013, 21:24

Hay bob..remember write everything down so you can ask the doctor question's.
Try not to be to fixed on it, take some epsom salt bath's to relax, maybe a herbal relaxing tea, listen to a funny video, what ever it takes.Image
I have IBS, which is a miss wiring from the brain to the colon/digestive track, I take probiatic's.
It helped me allot with the gas, caused by food's, I usually take before a meal.and some food's I still have to avoid, Broccoli, don't get me going,,he he, even if I cook it to mush, watch out she's gonna bloww!.Image 
Have you thought about probiatic's for your digestive tract, go to your nearest health store or drug store ask for assistance, they will gladly help you. or wait until you see your Doctor and ask him or her about them.
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby bobasTic3 » 01 Aug 2013, 21:44

Thanks Please go away. You're great.
I"m trying to be fearless like you. It's hard though. I"m getting sudden strong pains deep. But i'm trying to not cry.
Oh that's too bad you have IBS. Probiatics? oh ok.
well i'm eating salads and stuff. but they're too light so i ate beans too and sometimes meat.
Yeah i'm trying to not pay too much attention to the things that are happening, like deep pains and gases taht i can't control. But those deep pains are tough.
But otherweise i will say i've been pretty strong for 1 month plus of not being seen by any doctors and just toughening it out on my own. hehehe.
I had some other thing just before this Colon thing, i had other health problem where i cried and panicked a lot. but this time i'm trying to not cry. i'm trying to just take it as it goes and accept it. It's hard though.
Especially since i was having great life and doing activities. Now i stopped doing the activities like going to volunteer and playing music.
Plus i'm leaking gas and possibly(i'm not sure but it seems) i'm kinda soiling too, so it's embarrasing to go where i used to go. i guess i won't go for a while.
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby Please go-away! » 01 Aug 2013, 22:05

Oh please, cry all you want, believe me I do, when it hurt's.
When I had a set back last week, wowwwee, I cried and I yelled at my cat, poor thing she just looked so concerned for me.
Hay wear a pad, I think they make them for men now..please don't be embarrassed, with time you won't give a poop,
watch the bean's, very gassy, and try to switch to chicken, and fish for now. you could be allergic to lactose in milk, even salad's being raw..are gassy, try steamed sauted Kale and spinach..just experiment. OK dokay..Over and out, gonna hit the sack..
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby Rachael 1984 » 01 Aug 2013, 23:38

Sorry B that you are suffering. It surely won't be like this forever. I was in the darkest place of my life a few months ago. The pain and the suffering of these damn fissures took over my life. I was off work for 5 months. But with the support of family, this forum, my Doc and taking ADS I am doing a lot better. I am 17 weeks post Botox and have suffered since last Sept. getting a strict routine and controlling my Diet has been key. Hail Movicol and magnesium too. Like PGA I have IBS, but I am now getting it under control following the FODMAP plan. Please don't give up hope. A good thing that has come out of this, is that I enjoy my life more now, and I don't get worked up at the slightest thing any more! It just isn't worth it. Good luck to you, you can talk to us anytime and rant whenever you like! We are here for you. It sounds like you may have a bowel issue, have you been tested? Xxxxxxx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby bobasTic3 » 02 Aug 2013, 13:02

Thanks alot Rachael. I ihave to ge through this. i hope i'll get better soon.
i heard how you said you have support of your Family. That's great. I really don't have anybody . no friends, no girlfriend, and family not supportive. PS i have controlling and emotionaly abusive parents.
So it's tough. And ihave mental disability too. and mental ilnees. i recently got disabililty so at least i can get some help.
life is tough. I don't understand why i had to have more medical problems on top of the ones i already have. Sucks but ohh well.
This whole anal fissure and bowel problems is been one of the worse things i've had.
Like Rachael and others of you. I could manage it once i get some help and guidance.
So i will not give up.
if i can get some treatment, and learn to manage it and have an active life and hobbies to distract me , i will be back to normal one day again.
yeah i have bowel issue . I will get test soon. next week is my appointement.
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby bobasTic3 » 03 Aug 2013, 06:31

Hi guys
i just want to say. I am kinda getting little better. Aside from not being able to feel urge, i seem to feel OR at least yesteday and today this is how it is,, I feel pretty like normal.
i have bit of weird pressure in the rectum but it's has lessened.
and yesterday I had no pains at all, all day. or very minor i didn't feel them.
i did 2 BMS, they came not so difficult, i just did some concentration but the first BM almost dropped instantly. However, no urge. I just had to make myself go at 8pm and then at 1pm.
They were both OK amount , but not as big as I did them when i was normal. But the shapes were ok, like little pieces.
Then at night i got a false BM urge. It wasn't a clear urge but i had this nagging kinda feeling like starting to get a lot of gas built in my stomach. So it kinda felt like urge but then i went to toilet and tried and didn't really have nothing.
But anyways, these last two days i've kinda gotten better. I was crying yesterday in the morning cause of depression and thinking i wil never be well again. But then i just decided to not have fear and just be happier and also i noticed i wasn't having pains so i became happier and just did computer chatting etc and so yea. felt good second half of day yesterday and today i woke up and i dont feel pains and i feel great for some reason.
So i'm getting used to my new me. i guess. Now i'm accepting  it more.
Even though i hiave weird things . Like the farts don't complete forming and that feels weird and sad  but i'm trying to get used to the new feeling and work around it.
oh and yesterday i did a lot of singing too , that helped me get better i guess.
And the fact that i decided to stop crying and laugh and be happy.
PS i'm not saying i'm fully healed. I'm not. And i feel weird things and stuff and I might have pain but it's just hiding now. I'm just saying i'm trying my best everyday to relax and let some healing happen even if i'm not normal like before , i'm trying to accept it. and work around my new body.
and i'm not saying i'm not going to the doctor anymore. I am going in 4 days. so i'm happy about that.
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Re: Is it Possible for a Sufferer to get Used to the New Self?

Postby owmybum » 03 Aug 2013, 07:10

That's really good news things have improved enough to lift your mood bob. I find that when I have a couple of good days it reaffirms to me that this CAN and WILL get better.... It's NOT for life.
Keep hold of that new found hope and positivity... It can only be good for you.
Good luck at the drs... Let us know how you get on!
OMB xx
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Internal flap July 14
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