New and wondering if I have a fissure

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New and wondering if I have a fissure

Postby cgcaples12 » 07 Jan 2018, 22:56

Hi, I have found this forum so helpful just reading it for one day. I started my journey about a month ago when a family doctor diagnosed me with a thrombosed internal hemorrhoid because I was bleeding and prescribed suppositories. My symptoms included bleeding and the feeling of having to have a bowel movement constantly and feeling very bloated. The suppositories actually stopped the bleeding after about 4 days of use, although when I would have a bowel movement before the miralax kicked in I would get a stinging pain. That stopped within the first week after bowel movements and once the stool was not hard anymore there was no pain. Still had the great pressure in anus and growing pain after the bowel movements. No bleeding though. Completely changed my diet to high fiber and plenty of water. Kept feeling pain at the end of anus so went back to family doctor who gave me cream for external hemorrhoids which were very small. Did this for about a week with no relief from the pressure pain. I sit down all day at work so the longer I sat the more pressure pain I would get. The day I went to see a GI was the best day I felt and I thought I might be healed. He did a rectal exam for about 30 seconds and was not gentle and I instantly knew I had messed up because the mass amount of pressure and soreness was back. He prescribed a cream with numbing agent which didnt do much so I emailed him and he prescribed nitroglycerin. This seems to help I have been on it for about 3 days using once in morning and at night. I went to work today in a very positive mood. I had a bowel movement which alot but a very good consistency. About thirty minutes later sitting at my desk I started to get serious pressure down there and panicked. As I sat there longer and longer the worse it got until I got off about 3 hours later and was in tears in my car. I feel better once I got home and took a warm bath and lay down and took more nitro. I feel pretty good but I am deathly scared of having to sit in my work seat again for hours on end its agony the longer I sit there but I have no other choice. Does this sound like a fissure to you guys? I will be making an appointment with a CRS soon Im very scared of the exam again because of last time. I also deal with panic attacks which do not help anything. I feel like a terrible father and husband as I want to be there for my family but feel like I cant. I am really scared. I have a family to support and this is debilitating and I suffer so much at work. Thank you for any replies.
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Re: New and wondering if I have a fissure

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Jan 2018, 07:09

Hi, sorry to hear your suffering
It does sound like it could be a fissure but it’s always best to get a diagnosis preferably form a CRS as lots of GP and GIs can miss a fissure and assume it’s hems.
My fissure was like this it only bled for the first two weeks and I would have no pain during a BM but the burning pressure and the agony of the spasms would start about 23/30 mins after a BM and steadily increase in pain for about 8 hours after a BM. It’s great you have been prescribed nitro as that really is great for fissures. You have caught yours early it took me over 3 months to get a diagnosis and the nitro.
I sit at work too and to be honest I’m sure that made it worse especially before I got the cream. If you can use a heating pad at work then that will probably help...I wasn’t allowed too...and lots of hot baths as often as you can. Also don’t wipe with toilet paper after a BM, either shower the area or use a portable bidet, worse case scenario use wet toilet paper or wipes.
You should be much better after a few weeks on the nitro but make sure you don’t miss any applications as consistency helps it heal.
Good luck
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Re: New and wondering if I have a fissure

Postby cgcaples12 » 08 Jan 2018, 10:27

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Very helpful information.
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