First Time Anal Fissure

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Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby Guest » 03 Mar 2011, 14:18

Hey there,
I was hoping you wouldn't use the tinactin! There are so many home remedies online that are worthless and not worth your time! I'm pretty certain if any of them worked then no one would need surgery or the other ointments that are made for fissures. I know how desperate a fissure can make you though! I had a whole bag filled with butt meds hoping I would find the cure Image
Please don't be sad. You are not doomed to a life of nothing but fiber, I'm sure:) You may just have IBS or something that is manageable. The key is finding what amount of fiber and supplements work for you. None of us are the same and unfortunately we have to see for ourselves.
It's imperative that you not PUSH or STRAIN while having a BM!!! This will surely cause things to get worse with a fissure, not to mention all the other problems you can get with hems!!
If your sphincter is in spasm, it will clench and not allow your poop to come out! There is nothing you can do but relax until it will let that happen. The softer you can make the poop, the easier it will relax and pass. Take the warm baths religiously to try and settle the spasms down until you can get the ointments for the fissure from a CRS. You need to keep the water warm and stay in for atleast 20 minutes. I would take it longer myself and atleast 3x's a day.
Don't get down on yourself! Nobody is to blame or ever expects a fissure. Most people don't even know what they are or how they happen! I know I didn't.

Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby sadgirl » 03 Mar 2011, 23:04

So sorry to hear that TLB :(
Please don't beat yourself up...the good part is that you caught the seriousness of the situation now before it worsened down the road. I had the same problems that I totally ignored (constipation/diarrhea/upset stomachs) but I'm looking at this as a wake-up call to listen to my stomach in the future. Like Dawn mentioned, it's probably something manageable like IBS.
If you're not on Miralax, please DO IT NOW!!! It takes 2-3 days to kick in. My dosage finally started kicking in yesterday, and MAN is it SO much better!! The pain is like 50-75% less! I'll be honest and say colase was doing absolutely nothing for me. Still had the pain and straining and bleeding. But now, it's shocking how much less effort a BM takes.
And do not strain...if nothing comes out without a "push", then get off the toilet and don't come back until the urge returns. Things will come out eventually without you needing to push it out. I made the mistake of trying to push yesterday, and the blood started flowing again. Didn't push today, and no blood so far *fingers crossed*.
It's trial and error, but you'll eventually figure out how your body reacts. But the Miralax is the first step (I'm converted from colace, if you can't tell!)
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Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby Bumbutt » 04 Mar 2011, 01:34

I'll second what dawn and sadgirl said! Н think Miralax will help you to not have to strain at all. Also, the advice to get up off the toilet if nothing happens is good.
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Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby alpinestrawberry » 04 Mar 2011, 07:51

Another vote for Miralax here!
And also, I had to say you're not alone with the seesaw constipation/diarrhea...I've dealt with it my whole life too. I never thought of it as a problem, it was my norm. I still don't know what my triggers are, my gut seems to have a mind of it's own. But anyway, don't blame yourself for the fissure. Who knows why they happen! I used to strain like hell when I had bouts of constipation but that never caused the fissure for me.
Miralax can't hurt you and most likely will help. I wanted to warn you about the Tinactin too, but I guess it might work for some people, so who knows. I've tried lots of things out of desperation too. Antibiotic ointment seems like a common thing for people to try too, but it was a disaster for me...the skin all around my butt turned flaming red and it hurt like mad, until it started itching and that was worse.
I'm so happy that you're going to a CRS!! How'd you get an appointment with one so fast!? It took me a month to get in. Let us know how it goes!
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Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby TotaLeeBummed » 06 Mar 2011, 14:14

Well, after taking Friday off work & seeing the CRS, things have improved (not 100% or anything) but definately improved. The doctor was very nice & explained that most doctors just don't know enough about fissures to properly treat them. He said fissures are the 2nd most common ailment he treats. He also warned me to NEVER go to the ER with any "butt" problems because they're not going to know how to properly address them. Wait for a CRS,if you can.
The doctor basically implied that my other doctor "is nuts" about low fiber. He said I want/need fiber. He wants me on Metamucil (one adult dose) in the a.m. & Miralax (one adult dose) in the evening. No need to change food habits except for no "spicy" foods. Drink lots of water. Soak in sitz baths as much as you can (btw, they don't need to be as hot as you can stand it) just make yourself comfortable because that afterall, is the ultimate goal (relaxing the sphincter muscle). The doctor said no more Tucks wipes or anything with Witch Hazel. He said to simply use baby wipes & unscented white paper (dabbing only). He also said no more creams, not Prep H, not Lydocaine, not A&D, and most definately not Tinactin! He said Balmex or a cream containing zinc oxide is best for healing the fissure. This is to be used throughout the day & definately after BM's.
I can't believe how much better I feel,though not nearly healed. I was really feeling desperate on Friday & within 2 days...the pain has become manageable. The doctor said that with healing fissures, the road to recovery is not straight. It has ups & downs. There will be good days & bad ones. He literally promised me that he will help me get rid of it. He said even if it did come to surgery, I will not have it forever, he promised. I loved this doctor. Even my mom took a glimpse of my butt (while in that wierd carnival ride of a table). He showed it to her & explained everything which kind of eases my mind because now my mom "gets it". He said it's not acute, it's chronic. Which I thought odd because it's my 1st one so how can that be called chronic? Still he said it is. I came online today to lend my two cents on the healing process. Everyone won't agree on what heals a fissure but for what it's worth...this has truly helped me. Thank you guys so much for all of your support. You really do deserve degrees in proctosphincteranalogy! Your advice was spot on with switching to Miralax & other helpful hints like the heating pad for relief. Great advice & a very helpful forum.
:) From, "Not as TotaLeeBummed"
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Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby Bumbutt » 07 Mar 2011, 02:19

Good news! This doctor sounds a lot better. I think if you read here you see that everyone is a little different in what medicines, ointments, bath routines, food, etc, helps them, so I am sure that you will now find your own personal routine and cure.
Maybe there was some sign that told the doctor that your fissure was chronic... a skin tag, or possibly how the edges of the fissure looked...
Still, keep up the good work of keeping the pain in check!
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Re: First Time Anal Fissure

Postby alpinestrawberry » 07 Mar 2011, 10:17

Yes, this doctor sounds MUCH better! It's such a relief when you find someone who can really help you with this problem! For me that was the hardest part (finding someone), since I had to decide who and where and what town to go to for help since we don't have CRS's where I live.
I'm a little surprised he didn't prescribe any ointment for you though, but to be honest Miralax has always done more for me than the ointments, so maybe it doesn't matter. I hope you just continue to get better and better!
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