Looking for some encouragement

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Looking for some encouragement

Postby bdubstater » 13 Dec 2011, 20:52

Hello all,
Let me thank you in advance for reading this, and especially if you share your thoughts in response.
Just under six weeks ago I had a fissurectomy with botox. I had been suffering from a fissure on and off for about eight years; it was never anything more than a temporary nuisance, but I just got sick of it re-tearing and wanted to try something that might solve the problem.
Just under six weeks out, I've improved from the way I felt right after surgery, but I'm basically feeling similar to the way I did before the surgery. The only significant change is that while my bowel movements are still painful, there is no more blood (that's a big change, actually).
My doctor reviewied me one month post-op and said he had hoped my fissure would have healed more, but that I am at about 65% healed (sure doesn't feel like it) and am on schedule. I trust his expertise, but I can't shake the feeling that having had a fissure for so long, some factor is at play here that makes my case unusual. Perhaps an unusually tight sphincter or just unusually weak tissue.
Also, while my doctor did say some people take four weeks, some eight, and some twelve to heal, most of the scholarly articles I've read say almost everyone heals in eight weeks, and I can't imagine I'll be healed by then.
My question is this: has anyone had surgery where they weren't healed after six weeks (even were continuing to feel a relatively significant amount of pain) but ended up healing completely eventually? I don't really care how long it takes, I guess I'm just looking for a reason not to feel I'm on the wrong track and that total healing is still possible even if I feel relatively unchanged six weeks after surgery.
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Re: Looking for some encouragement

Postby dwarfs8 » 14 Dec 2011, 05:36

I wish I can help, but I did not go thru surgery to heal. Are u applying any creams now? I'm not sure if the thread "my success story" can help. If all else fails, u probably hav to opt for lis
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Re: Looking for some encouragement

Postby Sue1962 » 14 Dec 2011, 06:34

I am assuming you didn't have LIS with your proceedure. It sounds like you are still having spasms which can be causing the pain b/c your shincter is still tight. With LIS they cut that muscle just a bit and it makes it relax and helps the fissure heal, and with all the creams it causes the skin to become thin and tear easier, that can take a while to strengthen I have read on here 1 year or more. I hope you feel better soon!!
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Re: Looking for some encouragement

Postby Deleted User 579 » 14 Dec 2011, 11:02

Hey bdubstater! I'm sorry I can't offer first-hand information to answer your question, since I had an LIS. But from what I've read on this forum, recovery from a fissurectomy is more painful and takes longer than with just botox or and LIS. I guess that makes sense, since more trauma is done to the fissure. I wouldn't say you are on the wrong track, even if the fissurectomy/botox combination this doesn't quite work. It's not uncommon for people to need more than one round of botox to finish the job. Unfortunately, it's also not uncommon for people to move on to LIS if the botox doesn't work. (I'm pretty sure that the LIS option has to wait until the botox wears off.)
I'm so sorry that you are still in pain - I truly understand how frustrating it is to try to live with that! But I don't think you should worry that something is going wrong per se - I think it's just a matter of the botox working or not working. It seems like it may not be working, so maybe you should chat with your doc about another round of botox, or perhaps the LIS. If it turns out that surgery is the next step, then you can at least feel good that you gave the other options a good try.
Deleted User 579

Re: Looking for some encouragement

Postby bdubstater » 15 Dec 2011, 18:18

Thank you to everyone who replied. I have a call scheduled with my doctor tomorrow. I think the botox worked, I have zero spasms (that I can feel), but the messed up thing is, I really never felt spasms. The day I came home from the hospital was the first day I found out what a spasm feels like, as I was spasming all day/night from the surgery, and it was hell. No wonder people who have spasms for months feel immediately better after LIS. But I never felt spasms before; I'd have a bm, see some blood, feel sore for a little after, and then I'd be fine. I had the surger, not because life was hell, but I just got annoyed with the annoyance.
My guess it that I'm straining too much during bm, even though I take stool softeners and eat lots of fibrous foods. I wonder if some people just have tighter sphincters that make fissure healing tougher than other people.
I'll keep ya'll updated. It really is sad to have six weeks go by and not feel that much better than before surgery. Given how often we use our sphincters, I frankly don't know how ANYONE heals completely, but it seems to happen somehow.
For those of you who did heal (and are still reading this), how did the pain go away? Gradually I'm sure, but was there one day or week perhaps where you just went to the bathroom and suddenly it didn't hurt?
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Re: Looking for some encouragement

Postby Guest » 15 Dec 2011, 19:49

Hey there,
I only had LIS and had a pretty quick recovery. Fissurectomies can be a painful and longer recovery from what I've seen in here.
Tighter sphincter is definitely what keeps a fissure from healing. That's pretty much the whole reason for LIS or Botox. There have been a lot of folks in here who didn't feel the typical spasms as most of us have but were told by there CRS that the sphincter was too tight and in spasm after and exam or surgery....
Healing is definitely a gradual process, even fast ones as I feel like I had with my LIS was a week by week thing. It just seemed to show improvements weekly and continuing upward for me.
You may find it helpful to read more of the threads on others who have had fissurectomies. Don't get discouraged! It can be slow but you will get there...And definitely don't strain while having a bm!! Miralax is an awesome stool softener! Not sure what your taking but if your having any problems then you may want to give it a try...

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