Looking for advice...been suffering for 1.5 years now.

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Looking for advice...been suffering for 1.5 years now.

Postby natural mama » 05 Feb 2012, 22:17

Hi everyone. I am relieved that there is some place that I can go to for this. I am a young mama and really want to heal myself because I am terrified of getting The C word and not being able to be around for my baby. My fissure has never been that painful actually- it was the first few months. It may bother me here and there but most of the time (even while going to the bathroom) it's is not bothersome. I don't know if that is a bad or good thing. I notice it for sure- but I guess it's not like what most people experience with fissures.
I had my son last summer and that is when this all started. I had hemorrhoids and then that caused me to constipate myself which then caused myself to have a fissure. I thought it was just hemorrhoids -as that is what I was told at my checkup after the birth so I didn't do a whole lot except trying to eat fiber and with nursing- it was hard to drink all the water I needed to. I ignored it for a long time but it still worried me but continued with fiber and sitz baths when I remembered and using witch hazel. About 10 months later I got fed up with it and wanted to see my family doctor about it. He said it looked like a few smaller fissures. He told me to just eat a high fiber diet and keep my stools soft for a month and then if I couldn't solve the issue that he would want to see me again. A few months went by and my issue wasn't solved yet so then I went back to see him. He said it was a hemmroid which I later think was a skin tag. He wanted to rule me out for chrons and seemed concerned and I felt like after I left I needed to get a colonoscopy. So I decided to schedule an appointment with a rectal specialist. He immediately knew once he performed an exam that this was a fissure and used all this fancy language, and I could tell he knew what he was doing. I felt really comfortable with him. I had a peace of mind after leaving his office. He told me watch my acidity, no tomatoes or cheese, and to have metamucil once a night and to make sure I get 30 grams of fiber a day. I told him about my worry and that I would like a colonoscopy but he said that we should wait until after I heal because it will only make it worse. Which I understand but I hate waiting..
So here I am- 4 months later and still have the issue. I had it almost healed twice so it's really frustrating.
This is my routine:
+ applying vaseline on the outside and slightly inside to help ease it out when I'm about to go.
+every night before bed or sometimes with dinner have a glass of fiber
+multi vitamins and probiotics
+I only drink water- once in awhile juice or soda (like 1-2x a week)
+If it feels irritated I sleep with a soft ice pack on my bottom and have a sitz bath
+ Avoid anything spicy and have practically eliminated tomatoes from my diet as well as citrus fruits and I stopped drinking cows milk.
+I get a chiropractic adjustment every month...not sure if it helps fissures but figure it can't hurt and makes me feel good.
+Strongly considering gluten issues so am watching that and would like to be wheat free...slowly but surely.
Sorry this is so long...I feel so insecure and ashamed that this has gone on so long. What natural tricks do you have up your sleeve? Does anybody relate to me?
natural mama
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Re: Looking for advice...been suffering for 1.5 years now.

Postby DutchGirl » 06 Feb 2012, 02:59

Hi Natural Mama
I can sooo relate to what you have described! Your story is almost identical to my own - the only difference is that I did have a colonoscopy and it did aggravate matters. Are you worried about the C word because you've had bleeding? As far as I know, fresh blood (which you'd get with hemorroids or AF) isn't a sign of Bowel Cancer - it would be darker. I know exactly what you mean about the fear of not being here for your babies; I've had a couple of scares with other things since I had kids and that's all I could think about. I guess its just a natural part of being a mother, loving them so much it would be your worst nightmare to be taken away from them.
The only other things I can suggest for you to try diet wise would be prune juice - this really works for me, and lots of fruit and vegetables to keep things soft. I figured out that my problem wasn't so much lack of fibre (although I do take Fibre supplement aswell - not taking any risks!) as not enough fluid, and the prune juice helps keep the fluid in your bowel to keep things soft.
My AF isn't totally healed but I feel more in control of it now that I I know what s going on down there.
I'm sure others here will have some good advice for you - I just wanted to say how much I can relate to your story!
Take Care
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Re: Looking for advice...been suffering for 1.5 years now.

Postby workingonit » 06 Feb 2012, 12:44

Hey NMama,
Is your fissure towards your front or at the backside of your anus?
I do metamucil too, as well as a spoonful of olive oil after lunch and dinner. Then in the evening I do a half cup of prune juice and take some magnesium.
You want your stool to be soft like soft serve icecream or toothpaste. Just til you heal, and for a while after as the skin will take months to get back to it's original strength. You don't want to have to push at all.
Why did your doc think you might have chrones? I wouldn't worry about, as the CRS (colonrectal surgeon) would know more about that than your GP. Are you worried about gluten intolerance since your pregnancy? Or was this a concern before as well?
I have wondered from time to time, as my BMs changed when I got pregnant with my daughter, from somewhat constipated to somewhat the opposite. I don't think it is IBS, so I have always chalked it up to changing hormones. But remains a mystery to me.
Funny the diet restrictions some CRSs tell you and then others give no diet information at all. My guy says to stay away from a whole slew of thing (most depressingly coffee), but did not mention acidic foods. I eat something in tomato sauce at least once a week and can't say as I notice any more discomfort on those days.
I'm like you too in that I don't get spasms and so am just uncomfortable and often sore.
It is exasperating, but I am finding things to help. I got a 7" stool for the toilet so I could go in more of a squatting position. It's only been a few days, but I do find it less stressful on the rear, especially as I have an anterior fissure.
When I pee, I lean forward and sit forward on the seat so the pressure is more on my upper thighs than my bum. This puts less stress on the AF.
whatever helps you relax is good, like a lot of people (including myself) like to sit on an electric heating pad.
But also, walking is super helpful too. It brings more blood to the area, and helps keep you regular.
You shouldn't feel bad. Your story is unfortunately very common. And there is no guarantee that if you had seen someone sooner, that the fissure would have healed sooner. But you are getting help now and we are all here to help as well. We totally relate to your story.
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