Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

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Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby Ever the Optimist » 03 Jun 2012, 11:37

Hi everyone,
Have resisted posting for weeks in the hope that some miracle will occur and I would be healed, but still ongoing Image
It's such a comfort to find this site! and reading through others issues and stories makes it all so much more reassuring. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all. You all help so much.
TBH, I don't quite know where I am at this time with all of this...
My AF started out in December 2011, became increasingly more painful over the weeks, with the sharp glass sensations, which would kick in about half an hour after and last for ages. I have never bled, been tested for everything (negative) and this is the first time ever I have experienced this. I think it was brought on by stress - a pretty quick house move and job change and all the stress that goes with it.
I ended up with an emergency EUA, which confirmed an internal tear and a couple of internal hemmies and then on Dilitazem for about 7 weeks, which REALLY helped with the pain and started to make me feel more normal again.
Then I came off the cream, which wasn't too bad, although I continued to ache and feel this internal pressure that a lot of others have described....Then wham! Anal abscess a week or so later, which popped by itself, but has been checked out by my GP, but I think has led to a further compliction with either a fistula or perinidol cyst or sinus. I have been given conflicting information on this so am not really sure what I have although I have a further follow-up EUA in three weeks, which I hope will confirm it all once and for all.
Thanks to 3 continuous treatments of anti-biotics and terrible diahrroea, I'm sure the fissure is now aggravated and although the pain is not as intense as in those first few weeks, the area is sore, sometimes itchy and sometimes, I get that pressure build up too.
I have been so careful with my diet, aside from the occasional piece of chocolate, which I WILL not give up!!, clean meticulously and drink loads as well taking lactulose etc.
It's just so frustrating!!!! as you all know........
A month ago, I was put on Anti-depressants as this thing was literally just too overwhelming for me to deal with. They have helped a lot in that I have better days now when I can lift myself out of the depression with it all and accept the issue and get on with my daily life. I have taken only a couple of sick days and adopted a lot of coping mechanisms to deal with it all but I just want it to go away so much, as much as everyone else here.....and be NORMAL again!!...
Can anyone please offer some reassurance ?....I have this sinus thing to deal with as well as the fissure, so can't apply anything topically too near that area. Witch hazel and Aloe helps but I don't use it constantly as I prefer to stay "clean" and "dry" down there....
Will the fissure worsen to how it was originally? Or should I start using the Dilatizem again to prevent this? Am I a case long-term for LIS?
I could probably cope better if it was just the one issue! but with this sinus thing too, I just feel someone has cursed me this year, although the docs are saying it's just bad luck.
So sorry to go on.....
Please can someone offer some friendly advice and reassurance that things get better????
Thank you all for reading
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
Ever the Optimist
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby workingonit » 03 Jun 2012, 12:39

I know what you mean by a bad luck year... or two.
I think your best bet it to see a specialist. A GP is just jack of all trades...
Can you get a referral? Sometimes you need to be the 'squeaky wheel' to get referrals and appointments set up.
Do you take probiotics when you do antibiotics? That usually helps with the diarrhea. But you have to be sure to take the probiotics a couple hours away from when you do the antibiotic or it gets killed along with everything else.
So very sorry to hear about your depression. It sure does take a tole emotionally. Welcome to the forum. It sure has helped me a lot and I hope you find the same!
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby Ever the Optimist » 03 Jun 2012, 13:38

Thank you Tanya for your speedy response...
Yes, I managed to get a referral to a Colorectal specialist pretty quickly. My original GP advised a fissure straight away so got moving on it quickly. The specialist referred me for the first EUA and on my follow up, things weren't so bad. After seeing him, the abscess popped up and then the sinus thing, which was dealt with by the GP but I made a further follow-up with the specialist because the fissure was troubling, rather than really bothering me and I was concerned about the sinus "hole" that had appeared. The specialist's opinion was a possible fistula, which could only be confirmed under EUA (scheduled in 3 weeks) When the thing started pussing, I went back to my GP, who diagnosed a Pilonidol sinus. So hence, the confusion! At least, I will soon know on that score...
I feel like the anti-biotics really haven't helped and I did take probiotics but I'm thinking from what you've said maybe I didn't take enough or at the right time now..
At least, I'm not worrying about the depression stuff too now I'm back on the happy pills and they really have helped!...
Gosh 2 years for you - How have you coped? I hope you are OK and have lots of good days. Thank you Image
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
Ever the Optimist
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby BillUltra » 03 Jun 2012, 21:29

I'm sorry for the trouble you're going through. At my lowest point I tried to make an appt with my psyche doc but they were too busy to see me. They only want to see me to get their money and move on to the next one. Well guess what? I fired them.
I mean really, if there's anything more depressing than an anal fissure, I surely can't think of it. It just robs you of all the pleasures of life and taunts you into thinking it will never heal and you'll never get your life back.
But you can beat it. Mine has been gone for a long time now and showing no signs of recurrence. But I am still sticking to the special diet that has been so successful in creating the right stool texture for me. It's working, so I'm not willing to risk messing up a good thing.
Research this site. Devour it, and, in conjunction with a good butt doctor, you should be able to find what will work for you to get this "behind" you once and for all.
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby jr2 » 03 Jun 2012, 21:33

Welcome aboard! Image
I'm so sorry to hear you've got multiple problems to contend with. Geez, as if just one anal problem wasn't enough you've got so many things going on. I think the key thing really is to get things really sorted through on the complete diagnosis so you can make fully informed decisions on what to do next. The frustrating thing is all the waiting that has to be done between referrals and specialists and schedules, and in the meantime you are hurting so much.
I'm glad you feel a little better emotionally with it all and are getting some help with medication for it while you are waiting. We all have to hang in and keep hoping for healing, doing all we can to get there, and supporting one another through our tougher days.
I hope you are able to get some clearer answers out of your next round of doctor visits, and that you will keep us posted.
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby Ever the Optimist » 05 Jun 2012, 04:12

Thanks to both for your feedback and support. What you say is spot on with the stress of having to wait for things to happen! and thanks for all the reassurance too. I will feedback with an update...I'm just impatient to get things sorted out now whatever it takes. The worst for me is the whole stress of it!! I know I would cope better if I could see an end to it all, get a few answers, but that's the difficult bit I guess. Thank you.....I'm sure I'll be back in the meantime xx
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
Ever the Optimist
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby SpartanWoman » 05 Jun 2012, 19:32

Hello Optimist,
I just joined the forum. I had to look up some of the words you used but I'm glad I did -- now I'm starting to understand what has been going on with me! I was really bad off about three weeks ago; I'm pretty sure it was an abscess. I've been slowly (sloooooowwwwly) feeling better since I've managed to stay quite Spartan with my diet so I feel encouraged. I am beginning to realize that this might take incredible discipline and patience...but I'm determined to beat this thing. Thank you for talking about your depression. It has been a constant battle for me to stay out of depressed/discouraged/pitying thought patterns. But I'm getting better at it.
Thanks for your post and best of luck to you!
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby Ever the Optimist » 06 Jun 2012, 13:55

Hi SpartanWoman, :)
Welcome to the forum. There is so much great information and so many helpful people on this site. It's a real support and I hope helps you lots too...
Do you have a fissure too?? and then the abscess as an additional issue?The major difference for me was the sudden onset of intense pain with the abscess, which rapidly disappeared once the thing self exploded!..whereas the fissure pain and stabbing sensations just lingered on and on, which I found worse 'cos it wouldn't go away. It's not as intense anymore - more of a throbbing constant dull ache, which is more bearable but I still want it to go away!! The original abscess site seems to have dried up nicely now but it's a fistula ( I suspect) that now needs to be dealt with!!
I do feel more cheery about life in general now and I know 100% that's to do with the anti-depressants as I've always struggled on & off with bouts of depression my whole life. I can actually laugh and joke about my bum now instead of spending my time obsessing, worrying, crying, thinking every little twinge or sore spot is something new...I am so glad I made the decision to go back on the pills and would recommend to anyone prone to depression to do the same just as a temporary measure whilst getting through the worst...I have more energy and focus on looking after myself, devising new fissure-friendly recipes etc. imagining life pain free again... rather than self pitying and fretting about every BM, ache & pain. I know too it's going to take time, patience and discipline but I have some hope now that life won't always be like this.
So glad I have been able to help you with my own experience x Good luck with your own journey and keep the depression & stress at bay the best you can. It really does make things 100 times worse when things really aren't that bad. xx
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
Ever the Optimist
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby SpartanWoman » 09 Jun 2012, 11:52

Yes, I was diagnosed with a fissure before it was terribly painful. Then I was a little lazy with my diet and it suddenly got SO much worse. What you have described above (exploding abscess--LOL, lingering pain, etc) is EXACTLY what I've been through. My follow up was yesterday and the CRS suspects a fistula but says the tear appears to be healing. I'm waiting 6 weeks and sticking with eating right, etc to see if it will get better. Thanks again for your feedback!
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Re: Hi...new to the forum and 6 months with my Fissure ):

Postby Ever the Optimist » 09 Jun 2012, 13:38

It's really great to connect with someone going through ALL the same stuff as me (including abscess, suspect fistula!!) I'll confirm the fistula/ sinus thing in a week when I go back for the EUA. I really hope they tell me my fissure is healing too!! Can you believe I also got an external pile this week too - just something else to contend with!!! At least one issue distracts from another and the pile (touch wood) seems to have shrunk temporarily with cream! Pls keep me updated with your progress and hang in there with the regime!! I will update this post. Good luck with it all xx
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
Ever the Optimist
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