Anal abcess

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Anal abcess

Postby shaji71x » 21 Oct 2014, 06:25

I experience mild pain (pressure/sensation) which I initially thought remains of last acute AF or warning
signs of upcoming AF. But there was no blood or no feeling of a cut , I suspect it might be an abcess.
The situation is quite manageable, no big issues in personal/work life. But I feel it quite often and at certain body movements(like stepping down).

Is there any natural cure for this?

But Instead of waiting of sudden outburst, it would be better to seek medical help .
What kind of test would be helpful to diagnose abcess properly? Thanks.
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Re: Anal abcess

Postby rockybalboa76 » 22 Oct 2014, 11:10

I don't believe there's a natural way to heal it. I would suggested visiting a colorectal surgeon. I developed an anorectal abcess after surgery. I asked my doctor, "What is this lump on the outside near my rectum?" He was able to determine it visually as an abscess. It was probably the result of an infection from my surgery. He feared it would develop into a fistula. So, he had me come back for an office visit, made a small incision and drained it. It took some time but it eventually healed and I didn't develop a fistula. (If you have this done, you will need someone to drive you home and you might need to take a week or two off of work). If it worsens, you should look for fever, chills, redness, swelling or excessive drainage. Also, after fissure surgery, I would sometimes try to workout and feel an awful pain near the surgery area the next day. I suspected that the scar tissue from my surgery was very stiff and I had strained it while working out. Again, I had the surgeon look at it and he confirmed it. Either way, if you suspect having an abscess, have it checked out by a colorectal surgeon. You might be able to stop it before it develops into something worse. There is hope. It does heal but it's important not to over think things and take action immediately. I hope this helped.
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Re: Anal abcess

Postby rockybalboa76 » 22 Oct 2014, 11:14

Here's some detailed notes that I took from the time of my abscess issue. I hope they help:
-I had some soreness and swelling on the left side of my inner buttocks, near my anus. I thought, it was just inflammation from the surgery. Before I left the office, I mentioned it. The doctor took a look and discovered it’s something more serious. It appears to be the beginning of an infection where the sphincterotomy incision is located. It has created an ANORECTAL ABCESS. It appears he caught it early. It’s still a bump.
-He says it’s a perirectal abcess
-There’s not much distance between the sphincterotomy wound and the abscess.
-There is a fistula tract. It’s superficial.
-I asked, “How did this happen?” He said the wound from the sphincterotomy became infected (despite the anti-biotics they gave me in my I-V at the time of surgery). When they made their incision, it was in the outer muscle (?) The one closest to the interior wall. He said that possibly the fissure closed too early and formed an abscess that became infected.
-It’s possible the infection could have come from a piece of stool getting clogged in a gland. He didn’t really know.
-He cut it some. He drained it a bit.
-They’re trying to take care of it so it won’t become something worse.
-He said that it looks like if I had to get surgery it would be pretty superficial.
-WHAT WILL IT LOOK LIKE IF IT WORSENS? – If it worsens, I should look for fever, chills, redness, swelling or excessive drainage

-GAUZE – He put gauze on it. I should keep the gauze on it until tonight or my first BM. (He even suggested I could take it off at 4pm then do a sitz bath)

**WARNING*** Over prescription of anti-biotics by doctors has lead to a rapid increase in the cases of C-Dif throughout the country. I know because it happened to me about a year after this in an unrelated incident. Anti-biotics kill the bad bacteria in your system. They also kill the good bacteria. When you stop taking the anti-biotics, there’s a chance the bad bacteria might start growing back faster than the good bacteria and out number it. Your body tries to flush the bad bacteria and you get constant diarrhea. If it isn’t treated, you could die. Again, if your doctor prescribes an anti-biotic, talk to them about the dangers of C-Dif and precautions that you should take to avoid it (like taking a pro-biotic that adds good bacteria to your system). I can’t stress this enough. The doctors are trying to help you but sometimes, they don’t think two steps ahead.
-C-DIF WARNING SIGNS – Diarrhea would be a sign. He said, I should eat plain yogurt to help combat this (If you have C-Dif, it will take a lot more than yogurt to combat it). He said it’s okay to have 2 to 5 BMs a day, as long as they’re not diarrhea.
-Now, getting back to my infection story…
-The doctor gave me two prescriptions for ANTI-BIOTICS (FLAGYL & CIPROFLOXACIN). I will start taking them. It may give me diarrhea.
-There is a 50/50 chance that the anti-biotics will work.
-I will see him again in two days. He’s going to do a procedure where he will make an incision and drain the abscess.
-On that day, I will need to have someone drive me and I will need to take the next week or two off.
-If this procedure and the anti-biotics don’t heal it, I will need to get surgery. For the surgery, they would stick a probe up my ass and a probe up the fistul and they would make a cut. Hopefully, they won’t have to do this. Hopefully, it will heal.
-When I had my initial surgery to fix the fissure, he had said there was a 5 to 10% chance that I would get an infection. I guess, I fell into that 5 to 10%.
-Sitz bath – I should keep taking them two times a day and after each BM.
-At work, I should sit on a pillow.

-The doctor performed an in-office procedure to drain the puss out of the ABCESS. It went very fast.
-He injected an anesthetic into it to numb it. Then, he cut an X over the area and drained it.
-He gave me a doctor’s excuse to take the next week off from work.

-Keep the packing on it until the next morning or until after my first BM. (When it came time to remove the packing, I didn’t realize that the packing wasn’t just on the surface. The packing was actually a long strand of gauze that was packed down inside the wound. Pulling it out was like a magician doing a scarf trick. I had to pull a long strand of gauze out of the hole where my wound was. They hadn’t warned me of this. It wasn’t painful. It was just a little shocking to discover)
-Keep redressing the surface with gauze until I see him again in five days . I don’t need to tape it. I just need to keep the mess off of my clothes. I can just stick some gauze between my cheeks.
-At the first sign of pain, I can take an Extra-Strength Tylenol. He gave me a prescription for Hydrocodon if I need it. Again, I may not need it. I can take them with food and they won’t interfere with my anti-biotics. The Hydrocodon can constipate.
-I should continue to take sitz baths. According to the nurse, they are to help with the pain. I should dry the area afterward. Spread my cheeks and dab area dry.
-Don’t put creams or rubbing alcohol on it.
-For the next three days, don’t put much pressure on it. Lay on side that doesn’t have abscess.

-It looked like the ABCESS was healing.
-If it looked bad, it would be red and it would be swollen.
-Using a swab, he re-opened the wound so it would continue draining. They’ll do the same on my next visit. He’s trying to avoid the formation of a fistula.
-He put gauze down there again. I should take it out tonight. I asked him “When?” He said after twelve hours (8pm or 9pm-ish?) or my first BM if I’d like.
-I told him that I was having maybe one BM a day, maybe two and it was soft like diarrhea. He seemed to think this was fine and the result of the anti-biotics. If I was having diarrhea constantly it would be an issue
-Not only was the diarrhea coming out of my anus, I would see small drips of stool exiting the ABCESS wound as well. I asked him about this. He didn’t think this was too much of an issue infecting the abscess. Still, he told me to do sphincter clenching exercises 15 times a day.
-Regarding going back to work in a week, he felt that it was okay. I can sit. I should use a pillow. I can work and it’s okay to drive. I would need a note from the doctor saying I can work with no restrictions.

-I visited the doctor. He looked me over and said:
-MY ABSCESS WOUND – It appeared to be healing pretty well – but it’s too early to tell.
-I mentioned that after I have a BM, I can see stool draining out of the ABSCESS WOUND. He said that if that’s the case, I might need surgery. He would know within a month to six weeks.
-To help close the wound, he inserted and applied a silver nitrate stick. It cauterizes it and hopefully it will help with the closing.
-He put gauze down there. He said I can take it off later today.
-He said that if a fistula does develop it looks like it will be near the surface and it shouldn’t be too hard to heal
-DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ABSCESS AND A FISTULA – A fistula is chronic. He can’t tell at this point if I have a fistula or not.

I kept going back for check ups and eventually, the thing healed and everything was okay. I avoided surgery. I didn't develop into a fistula and I was all healed. If you're in doubt, don't over think it. Take notice. Take action and visit an expert. I hope this helped.
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Re: Anal abcess

Postby shaji71x » 25 Oct 2014, 12:16

Thanks for the replies. At the moment, I'm feeling well.
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Re: Anal abcess

Postby rockybalboa76 » 26 Oct 2014, 10:57

That's fantastic. Good to hear. It's important to stay positive. Behavior is based on environment. So, anything you can do to create a positive environment really helps (like listening to upbeat music, watching funny movies, etc). Another tip, and this is going to sound crazy, but the Rocky movies really helped me through a lot of dark times (and the music too). Keep fighting. There is hope and you will get better. Like Rocky says, "It's not how hard you hit. It's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." Eye of the Tiger! Feel better.
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