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My story

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Postby skaddy » 05 Dec 2014, 04:46

Hi all,

I'm a 41 year old male from the UK.

My story starts about a year ago. I had been having joint problems and as part of my medication, my doctor prescribed co-codomal. Unknown to me, these pain killers can cause constipation. The doctor never mentioned that to me, and whilst most probably know this, I didn't. Doctors really should inform patients of this!

About three weeks after taking them I was badly constipated and as a result of forcing on the toilet I started bleeding with a bowel movement. I went to the doctors and was told this was probably an internal hemorrhoid. I was given a digital exam, given some cream called prodysectal* and sent on my way.

The cream never healed me, and for a year I had sore bowel movement and blood when going. Six weeks ago, I was yet again constipated and had an excruciating bowel movement, this was followed by hours of pain and spasms of I assume my rectal muscles. This also affected my bladder, every time I now go to the toilet I feel a real urge to pea straight after it at least three or four times and often dribble involuntary in between this, lovely!

The pain I now have when I go to the toilet with every bowel movement is unreal, the pain after lasts for hours. I've been back to the doctor no exam this time and yet again been giving the cream prodeysectal* The cream is useless to be honest and I've stopped using it.

In the last couple of days I developed a small lump at the end of the rectum that now covers half the area of my anus, I assume this may be a pile or a prolapse? This compounded with what i assume is an internal fissure is a nightmare.

I have improved my diet and have bought stool softeners. I'm going to post my diet in the diet/supplement part of the forum to see if I can get a bit of help their.

Anyway, that's my story. I hope to beat this pain and hopefully things don't develop even worse with this lump. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Hello all

Postby Scientist2516 » 05 Dec 2014, 11:25

Hi skaddy, that sounds really miserable. We can all relate to what you are going through. It does sound like a fissure. The lump you mentioned could be a sentinel pile - a flap of skin that forms at the base of a fissure (look it up).
I don't know what proysectal is, and google doesn't find it. What is it?
The doctor should examine you. S/he doesn't need to look inside to diagnose a fissure. My CRS barely touched me (I told him I did not want to be examined inside).
If it is a fissure there are creams especially for that. Nifedipine, diltiazem and nitroglyerine are the most commonly prescribed, and you need to start on one of those. Please read in the forum, especially in the success stories, to get advice. And you can always ask questions.
Good luck!
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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