What does healing look like?

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What does healing look like?

Postby can-cervive » 02 Aug 2021, 19:40

Hey everyone!
I have scoured the forum but cannot seem to find a photo of what a healed anal fissure looks like after going chronic. Anyone have any descriptions or ideas of what the healing process looks like? Will it slowly start to fill in from the side? What am I supposed to be seeing?
I had Botox 8 weeks ago and it's feeling a lot better and way less bleeding however, it still looks the exact same visually which is totally throwing me off... I can still see a gaping open wound?
Any ideas?
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Re: What does healing look like?

Postby patience_and_healing » 02 Aug 2021, 23:00

You can probably find a picture in a research paper. In my opinion it should not look like an open wound but should be healed and not look angry anymore.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: What does healing look like?

Postby Rebsyp0395 » 03 Aug 2021, 18:03

Wow this is making me feel like I should have looked down there for a before and after comparison. Perhaps a bit pathetic of me but I could not bring myself to look at all before I had Botox fissurectomy a week ago, and definitely not now after. Perhaps fear of the unknown? Scared what I’ll see? Or just being a pure wimp haha!
Any visual improvement yet? And did u find a lovely pic before & after online? I’m curious now lol
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