What does it feel/look like 'down there' after surgery?

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What does it feel/look like 'down there' after surgery?

Postby jay2502 » 03 Feb 2015, 16:37

so after you had LIS performed on you, what was the 'feeling' like around the anus? was there any soreness and where abouts?

also what does it look like down there? for example did it look like the bomb squad had been having a go at it
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Re: What does it feel/look like 'down there' after surgery?

Postby Jbl22424 » 04 Feb 2015, 01:03

Haha I didn't look much or often but from what I remember it was a little black and blue and the incision site had a red bump. After that I didn't look again until two weeks out and by then everything looked completely normal again.

I don't recall the feeling exactly only that it hurt a bit but not too much, I couldn't sit for a few days, I had painful zingers when my butt would subconsciously contract to hold in gas... That was the worst part. And I had bad spasms after Bm for about four days, that was like fissure pain, then it all got better.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
Miralax - godsend
Nitro - some improvement
LIS (May 2014) - cured for 3 months then setback
Feeling better for now
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