When should you apply diltiazem?

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When should you apply diltiazem?

Postby Chambers21 » 26 Jul 2017, 06:22

I have recently been given Anoheal cream (diltiazem) and have been told to apply it twice a day. Once half an hour before I have a bowel movement on the morning and once half an hour before I have a bowel movement in the evening. Does this sound correct? It is obviously extremely difficult to time when half an hour before going to the toilet will be, especially when busy at work.
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Re: When should you apply diltiazem?

Postby Payne4me » 28 Jul 2017, 15:12

my experience with the cream is that it encourages bleeding...more blood to the area...i guess the idea is that it will promote healing..i am post LIS surgery and my surgeon told me to stop using it because its promoting bleeding...i think you should use it after a bath before bed and then after a bath wen u get up
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