Wonder What This Is

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Wonder What This Is

Postby UnknownSoldier13 » 10 Jan 2018, 10:42

About 2 months ago noticed a bump above my anus hole. Squeezed it and a glutinous, little blood came out. The nodule seems to have a root on it. No pain to speak of. One day, I noticed the bump was all but gone but the rott tunnel could barely be felt with the fingers. It had diminished to almost nothing. Then the whole bump came back with the root again being felt with the fingers. Anyone ever heard of this and can identify what it may be? Thanks.
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby Crying in autumn » 10 Jan 2018, 17:38

Hi it sound possibly like a boil.
Be careful You could get an infection that could get serious. I heard you shouldnt squeeze them.
Keep area extra clean apply warm compress . If it dosent clear up in a week or 2 go see a doctor.
It might have to be lanced and the core removed
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby patience_and_healing » 10 Jan 2018, 19:18

I agree it sounds like a boil. Best to go to a dermatologist and get it checked out even though it may feel like an embarrassing area. Antibiotics might help as well. If you get more boils in the surrounding region then you'll need to get a proper diagnosis.
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby UnknownSoldier13 » 19 Feb 2018, 10:39

OK, went to colorectal surgeon and he said I have a fistula. The fistula is closed and has no pain, regular discharge or discomfort. He gave me 3 options. 1) Go in and have an operation to get the whole thing out. 2) Go in office and have the small lima bean removed under local antithesis. 3) Do nothing. I opted for #2, but think it might be best to do nothing, since I have no pain and it is closed. Once, the bean went almost completely away, but came back. I think doing nothing may be best to not start a regiment of procedures and operations. Thinking, not broken, don't fix it.

Please give me your opinions on this. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby patience_and_healing » 20 Feb 2018, 12:31

Fistulas as far as I know do not go away on their own. If left for long periods of time they could perhaps get worse. All doctors give us the option of doing nothing if it's not an emergency, but that doesn't mean it's always the right choice. If fixed properly once, they should not cause any more issues. Since you're doubtful about what to do, a second opinion might help you out.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby UnknownSoldier13 » 20 Feb 2018, 13:36

The only problem is that the doctor said there is no guarantee it will not come back. What he is suggesting is a 30 minute office procedure to cut it out from the external side only. Remember, there is no open wound on the anus. Still confused, other opinions welcomed.
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby Dimitri71 » 20 Feb 2018, 14:37

Hi USoldier, invest your time to find a reputable CRS but do not waste ANY further time!
I wish I were in your shoes and in a position to do it all over again, I would have acted a lot faster.
Waiting will only make the fistula potentially more complicated and more difficult to treat.
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby UnknownSoldier13 » 21 Feb 2018, 05:51

Remakably, last night I applied 2 drops of tea tree oil and a conconut oil, shea butter cream to the closed fitula and it has already shunk from the size of a navy bean to the size of a small pea. I will keep this regiment up to see if it can reduce it away. As previously mentioned, it did go away about a month ago on its own. I believe that if you can use other alternate methods to relieve something, it may be better than hopping into cutting surgery. Again, it is closed and does not give any pain. Do you all think this is worth a try before it may eventually never open up? For overnight success I am very pleased. Thank you.
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby Mypoorbutt » 21 Feb 2018, 11:26

You could also see about adding oregano oil to the mix as there is a lot of medical evidence to prove its use in fistulas...make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil though as undiluted it will burn the skin
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Re: Wonder What This Is

Postby ronnieg » 25 Feb 2018, 21:02

I am having surgery to fix my fistula tomorrow morning. My colorectal surgeon indicated that the fistulas do not heal on their own. My is not too painful but the constant discharge is annoying. Good Luck.
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