1 month after LIS- possible retear?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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1 month after LIS- possible retear?

Postby Jorkev89 » 02 Oct 2016, 21:57

Hello Everyone! My name is jordan and im a newcomer to this board, but no stranger to this horrible affliction that has been plaguing my life for the past 6 months. I developed an anal fissure April of this year after a bout of severe constipation. I initially had a lot of pain and blood with BM's, which necessitated a visit to my primary care doctor. He prescribed me Diltiazem 2%, which helped tremendously with pain and bowel movements. My bleeding also resolved with the topical ointment. Still, by July, I did not note any further improvements, and I knew it was time to see a specialist, as I felt like I wasn't healing properly.

My CRS examined me and found that my fissure was rather large and unhealed. She suggested I undergo LIS and noted that the risks with someone my age is very minimal (I'm 27). I agreed to have it done and I sustained the procedure on August 31st. Recovery from the procedure itself was really easy for me. I had some pain and discomfort for the first 2 weeks, but this gradually subsided. I was on my way to recovery! My incision site also healed well, as noted by my CRS on my recent followup. Sadly, last week, I gradually began feeling more and more pain where my fissure was. I've been doing a terrific job keeping my bowels soft and passable, sitz baths twice a day, and keeping my sphincter really clean. I fear this may be a retear and the pain has become worse than before I had the procedure. I have had no blood and minimal pain with BM's , but the pain is at its worst after BM's and sporadically throughout the day. The feel of the pain is also aching, throbbing, and shooting. Does anybody have any idea if this could be a retear? I'm in constant anxiety not really knowing whats going on down there. My CRS says it's too soon to tell if it's a retear and to give it more time. The pain seems to be improving somewhat but varies day by day. Any suggestions or advice on how to manage would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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Re: 1 month after LIS- possible retear?

Postby Savaici » 03 Oct 2016, 06:29

Welcome! Sorry you have to be here, but at least you found us.

I have never had LIS, but here is a link to "retear" on the forum, which might at least give you an idea of what might be happening through others' experiences. Read the ones with the most replies first, is my suggestion. :sunny:

Hope this is of some help!

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