Oh where should I begin? My fissure battle has been a long and tedious road filled with the typical ups and downs. I will try to keep this short to encourage some response. My fissure problems started around December of 2013; by March I had seen a CRS and tried the special nifedipine cream. By late March the Doctor and I agreed it was time to do surgery so that I could be healed in time for my wedding in July. So late March 2014 I had my LIS surgery. Instantly after the surgery I did not have any more fissure burning pain. However, my incision site would not heal. By late April/early May I had developed an infection that the CRS did not believe was there. Nonetheless, by late may 2014 it was obviously there so I had my abscess drained. The CRS said there was a 50% chance a fistula could occur. For the next several months (including my wedding month

) the abscess continued to drain, but I was in little to no pain. Finally in August the doctor determined that I must have a fistula so I would need a fistulotomy. After that surgery the doctor said the abscess was very nasty but he could find no connection to the actual anal canal, so that must have healed during the months after the abscess was drained and the fistulotomy.
Fast forward till today…almost 14 months since my original LIS surgery and about 9 months from my fistulotomy and I am still having some issues. I continue to have random days of blood, very little pain, but I can definitely feel the LIS incision site when I go the bathroom and sometimes get sharp pains there. The part the worries me the most is the blood, I normally will have a day or two of blood every 4 or 5 weeks. It seems like this site is never going to heal 100%. I still have to take colace every day (200mg) and I eat a healthy fiber filled diet. My poop is always soft but anything that is even slightly big causes an issue. Does anyone else have experience with issues like this? Am I ever going to be 100% again? Will I ever be able to stop taking the colace?

Any insight or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.