10 yrs of Pain...Fresh Out of Surgery

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Re: 10 yrs of Pain...Fresh Out of Surgery

Postby FissureLegend » 30 Aug 2018, 09:42

3 Weeks Post Surgery

Hard to believe it's already been three weeks since my LIS. Everyone heals at a different pace, but lucky for me, my recovery has gone very smooth. Currently, I have no pain with BM's, activities, or sitting for long periods of time. It's simply amazing to have a morning BM that lasts no more than 20 seconds with ZERO pain or blood. I have my life back!

The leakage from the incision is still occurring but has diminished. I initially thought it was stool that stained my pads, but it's definitely weeping from the LIS. I'll continue to wear pads until the leakage has stopped. I've gone completely off stool softeners for the first time in 3 years, but I'll continue to take my fiber supplements for the foreseeable future. I even went back to the gym yesterday and was able to lift weights with no discomfort or uncontrolled farts :lol: .

I have another two weeks until my first post OP checkup. I'll report back then, but overall this has been one of the best decisions of my life. The biggest mistake was waiting this long to fix the problem.
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Re: 10 yrs of Pain...Fresh Out of Surgery

Postby Jase1 » 17 Sep 2018, 02:23

How’s it going fissurelegend ? You well ?

I’m one month one day today post op, my fissure pain on the left side is no more (yay) but I do have pain / sore, nothing like fissure pain, it’s a lot milder but still worrying on the right after a bm where I’m assuming is where he did the procedure. I do have a cut about 2inchs outside as well. I still get mucus leakage after a bm but also when I don’t but not as much, having read your posts you are quite similar. I see my dr this Thursday for a check up so I will ask him about it. Oh also does anyone have a terrible itch ? Not sure if it’s off the procedure or the dressings irritating the skin grrr annoying
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Re: 10 yrs of Pain...Fresh Out of Surgery

Postby FissureLegend » 17 Sep 2018, 08:48

Hey Jase,
yeah sounds like our recovery timelines are fairly similar. As for the leakage, I experienced the same symptoms up until about week 5. Small amounts of wound leakage throughout the day, but more after a BM. This diminished gradually and is now basically gone (approaching 6 weeks post op). I really didn't have any pain past week 2 BUT I did have that crazy itch some days. I even developed a rash due to the moisture from the wound, but some baby rash cream solved that. My only side effect that remains is the very rare (involuntary) fart :oops: Sounds like you're one step behind me, so hopefully you'll be symptom free very soon.

My first checkup was last week and it went VERY well. I saw the surgical assistant and she said I've had one of the quickest healing times she's ever seen. If fact, as long as I don't have any set backs I won't have to see the CRS again! For the first time in 5 years I'm off stool softeners, have no restrictions on meals, and can have normal pain free BMs...hoping this chapter in my life is officially over.
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Re: 10 yrs of Pain...Fresh Out of Surgery

Postby Jase1 » 18 Sep 2018, 03:49

FissureLegend wrote:Hey Jase,
yeah sounds like our recovery timelines are fairly similar. As for the leakage, I experienced the same symptoms up until about week 5. Small amounts of wound leakage throughout the day, but more after a BM. This diminished gradually and is now basically gone (approaching 6 weeks post op). I really didn't have any pain past week 2 BUT I did have that crazy itch some days. I even developed a rash due to the moisture from the wound, but some baby rash cream solved that. My only side effect that remains is the very rare (involuntary) fart :oops: Sounds like you're one step behind me, so hopefully you'll be symptom free very soon.

My first checkup was last week and it went VERY well. I saw the surgical assistant and she said I've had one of the quickest healing times she's ever seen. If fact, as long as I don't have any set backs I won't have to see the CRS again! For the first time in 5 years I'm off stool softeners, have no restrictions on meals, and can have normal pain free BMs...hoping this chapter in my life is officially over.

Brilliant, it’s good to hear your doing well and hopefully I’m not far behind. I’m hoping my dr doesn’t want to examine with his finger or with anything else as pre op it was so painful. Had bm movement today and on the right side where I’m assuming he did the procedure is still sore after and I’m still having to take painkillers, hopefully it’s still healing.
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