Hi Guys, i am 18 Years old and i have an analfissure since almost 8 Months. I got LIS Last november 2016 but i made the mistake by not doing any Sitz baths and not keeping the stool soft. So what happened, of course it didnt heal. So i got another surgery 12 days ago.
I still feel pain, and the doctor meant he cut a little bit more deep than last time so it can fully heal this time. Is it normal that i am still in pain now? Sometimes more, sometimes less. Today is a little bit better than yesterday, but still hurts. I was at the hospital 5 days ago and the doctor checked it and meant it looks good. Sometimes during BM it bleeds but very rarely, and if it bleeds, its just a little bit. Nothing scary.
Still doing 2x a day sitzbath with camomile and keeping my stool soft.
Going to the doctor again in 10 days to check it. Anything i should know? Am i expecting too much after 12 days? When should it get better? Anyone here who had 2 surgerys?