16 days post OP and feeling amazing

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16 days post OP and feeling amazing

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 06 Jun 2017, 07:08

Hello Guys,

I had the surgery done on 20/05/2017 so today it will be 16 days from that nightmare and the LIS surgery was the best thing that I did . I had the pain for 2 months and GOD DAMN it is awfull to be afraid to have a BM.

Before I had the surgery I did not try anything ( sitz baths/ oils , etc. ) as I have read some posts about this and most of the people that got healed without surgery still had pain and also the fissure would come back :( .

As scared as I was to get the surgery ( cried for 4 days when I found out and also when I had to had the surgery I almost backed out because of the fear and also the fear of incontinence) I went ahead and did it.

First 4 days in the hospital were a nightmare ( pain , could not sleep and also after the surgery could not go to piss and they had to put a thing in my ding dong that HURT ALOOOTTTTand also when they removed the bandages from my butt again I was shaking from the pain and could not walk ) .

First 4 days home again a nightmare ( had to thake dulcolax to help me go to the bathroom and still had a solid BM and hurt ) after that in the 4th day had no pain .

But even without the pain I had a discharge from my butt ( a yellowish liquide that had no smell ) and it drive me almost insane as I was thinking about my butt allotttt.

After that everything was better ( no pain , and for a couple of days until today no discharge from the butt) .

Today I can say that im happy that I did the surgery and also went to the gym and tommorow i will start work.

So for any one that will do the surgery and is scared as a popular say "JUST DO IT" :) as it was the best thing that I could do .

I also consider that the healing part was also influenced by age im 23 so I guess I heal fast but also the surgeon that did the surgery knew what he was doing.

So THERE IS HOPE and I did not think until this point that a small cut in my BUTT could ruin my life ( thank god that nightmare ended ) .

So for the people that have AF the surgery was the best thing to do and even if you are scared the pain at one point will end .

Hope this post gives hope to the people that still strugle with this verry verry annoying and painfull thing and I hope the best for everyone .

Also would like to thank all the people that wrote in this forum because without that I would have went insane and no one understands the pain and strugle that you are going through when you have AF.

So a big THANKS to everyone <3 and hope evryone will get rid of this insane diseas.
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Re: 16 days post OP and feeling amazing

Postby Asspainsorebutt » 14 Jun 2017, 23:44

Thumbs up!
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