Psyllium is amazing

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Psyllium is amazing

Postby Mypoorbutt » 28 Jun 2016, 02:37

Hi I don't know how many people on here have crohns or IBS D but I feel I need to mention psyllium,
I was going to the loo 10-20 x a day and as I had just had a fissurectomy I really wanted to slow that down. I did some research and came up with psyllium, I tried it and after one single tablet my BMs went down to 1 the first day and I'm now going every other day and it's not watery. My friend who has bad crohns tried it(she asked her doc first) and she has gone done to 5 a day from over 30. Obviously this may not work for everyone and you have to be careful not to drink too much or it works a bit like a laxative.
I hope this helps people as I was in despair before this and couldn't imagine a life where I could eat normally (not dairy lactose intolerant lol)
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Re: Psyllium is amazing

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Aug 2016, 02:48

Thanks but I have tried that it did nothing at all means try it and good luck I really do hope it works for you. I believe once your fissure is at a certain stage only medical help works as very little natural creams can stop the sphincter spasming and it's the spasms and tightness that prevent healing
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