28 and post LIS surgery

28 and post LIS surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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28 and post LIS surgery

Postby guest28 » 10 Mar 2017, 11:47

Hi all,
I wanted to write up something to hopefully help anyone suffering from a fissure. This forum gave me information and and hope that I would be able to overcome this. After giving birth to my son November 2014 I noticed I was having intense pain (6-8 hours) after having a bowel movement. This made it very hard to take care of a little one and I was certainly depressed. It was painful to sit, stand, and lay down. I presented my symptoms to my OBGYN and they said it was hemorrhoids. I knew that wasn't the case and I went to the computer to search my symptoms. I discovered that I had an anal fissure, which was common after childbirth. I am not one to complain ever and after about 6 months I told my husband the pain I was in. He was very supportive and tried to help a much as possible (taking care of a young one and being in pain can be quite difficult). After I figured out it was a fissure I was able to what I thought was heal it (with diet mainly) but the pain would come back every 2-3 months. My husband finally urged me to find a doctor.
1st doctor- I went to this doctor from a referral by my OBGYN (once I told them what I actually had). I was so happy to see this doctor and thought he would end the pain. He prescribed my the cream and told me to take sitz baths. This bought me a little time but after a few months the fissure would re-tear. I visited him twice in a year because we wanted more children in the future and I couldn't be in this pain while pregnant. He again prescribed my more creams. He said surgery (LIS) was the last resort and he would try all (creams, botox, therapies) before that. I left his office in tears.
2nd doctor - After the last visit with doc #1 I went online and searched for a colon/rectal surgeon in my area (info I gained form other posts on this site). This doctor was better, I broke down in tears in his office saying I couldn't handle the pain anymore. He told me to start taking Metamucil and a overnight laxative (honestly this was the best info, it made going #2 so much easier and the pain afterwards was tolerable). He also told me that he would be willing to do either botox or LIS surgery. This was a relief to me but I was also nervous he was leaving this decision up to me. Doc #1 was so hesitant to do the surgery, why was this doctor so nonchalant about it? I was about to book surgery with him until my next flare up which led me to doc #3.
3rd doctor - The last doctor I went to see would save me! During a flare up I broke down to my mother and father about the pain I had been in on and off for the two years. They were extremely supportive and days later my mother found me a colon rectal surgeon (actually the chief of the department) at Mass General hospital in Boston Massachusetts. I waited 3 weeks for the appointment and was living off soup and Metamucil during that time. When the day came and the doctor walked in the office I broke down in tears. She asked my symptoms, did an exam and told me confidently that I need the surgery. She said a fissure over 3-6 months is chronic and will not heal with creams or botox. She scheduled me for surgery a week out. Of course I was nervous but her sureness and confidence made me know this was the right decision. I continued my Metamucil and laxative regime right up until surgery. The doctor told me I only needed to take one day off work, I took the week just to be safe.

I know everyone has a different experience with surgery and healing time. After a 10min surgery I was in recovery and felt great. I got my things together and was out the door. I had no pain in the area, walking and standing was just fine. The very next morning I had a bowel movements and there was no pain!!! nothing at all. I was still cautious with my food intake for 1-2 weeks, continued with metamucil and laxatives and I have had no issues. I am back to my life pre-fisssure.

I am writing this now a month out, why so late? Because I've been out doing everything I couldn't for so long. I have introduced all foods back into me diet, I still take metamucil and drink lots of water. I want to make sure my colon is in good health! Looking back on the times I was in pain I wish I would have done something/told someone sooner. Please let people help you, and go to doctors, go to a many (colon rectal surgeons!!). I wish you well!!
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