2nd surgery recovery

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Re: 2nd surgery recovery

Postby msimon » 25 Nov 2014, 16:29

update ouch? did your swelling subside?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: 2nd surgery recovery

Postby ouch4466 » 11 Dec 2014, 17:49

I have developed another fissure. :( I'm 7 weeks post op and this was my second LIS. I don't know what to do. I am being send to see a proctologist in a month. The one who did my surgery is a general surgeon
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Re: 2nd surgery recovery

Postby hopefulbutt » 14 Dec 2014, 18:39

Hi ouch. I'm so sorry you've got another fissure. I'm in the same boat. Just saw my crs and she can't see it- but I know it's further in. She did she would give my botox but I'm just not sure. Are you going to get any pressure test? I had my second lis about 9 weeks ago and tore my old fissure about 4 weeks ago. I don't want to live with it- it burns and stings and is sore but my crs refuses any more surgery. I am at a loss. Please keep me updated. I believe we both can heal- we just have to figure out how. :smilyhug:
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Re: 2nd surgery recovery

Postby ouch4466 » 14 Dec 2014, 23:31

Hello. At this point I have another fissure :( I started having bleeding and pain at about 6 weeks post op. I have went in to see the surgeon and was told that there are multiple fissures. A few days ago I bled a lot but it also stopped quickly. They had no more advice for me, so they referred me to a proctologist in a larger city that's nearby. I really hope there is something that can help. The orevious dr did not want to do any more procedures on me for risk of incontinence. At this point I have no problems with that and good muscle control. But I think everything still seems to tight. Are stools supposed to be flat? I hope this issue does eventually end. It seems like everything helps initially but the fissure always returns. I don't have constipation so I'm not sure why this keeps happening.
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