by Worrier12345 » 20 Mar 2015, 04:55
Hi and thanks for replying.
Chachacha, I appreciate your reply. I know there have been some advances in treatments for incontinence, but as you say most are still at the early stages of testing. It would be several years before these were widespread, plus, my situation would probably not be considered bad enough to warrant surgery. So I'm not holding out too much hope unfortunately.
msimon, I tried a cotton wool plug for a couple of days but it wasn't very good. I found it uncomfortable, and by the end of the day, when I removed the plug - even though it was only a few mm wide - it seemed that my anus was almost gaping open. I thought that perhaps this might not be doing any good. Instead I have been applying coconut oil regularly throughout the day. This seems to help - mostly with the mental aspect. If I feel moisture down there I can just tell myself it's the oil, it eases my anxiety slightly and stops me feeling I need to check for leakage (although I still can't resist this urge several times a day).
The surgeon's notes do worry me. I think he's right in that there does seem to be a problem with incomplete evacuation, which I think I have had at various degrees before LIS. But the fact that the muscle is now so weak, and that I'm experiencing leakage are CLEARLY a result of the surgery. I never leaked stool before. When I see him I will go armed with some evidence (textbooks, journal articles) that suggest that too much muscle was cut. I am looking at the surgery notes here, it says "IAS dissected to dentate line and divided under vision to just below the dentate". I assume this means he cut the maximum length possible - which as everyone on here seems to know, is not the tailored cut that we expect of LIS these days. I know from my research that the internal sphincter cannot be strengthened.
As for my fissure, I have not had any blood since that day after the ultrasound. But I still don't think my fissure is healed up. But that's the thing - I never had much pain from the fissure in the first place, so it isn't something I'm too worried about now. I feel like I have bigger problems (this is something which makes me feel so stupid - I had surgery for something which wasn't that painful, and now I couldn't care about the initial problem, because the surgery has created bigger problems - what an idiot I am for pushing for the surgery).
As for the mental health side of things. I feel like I've crossed a line. My life has been on a downhill trajectory for a couple of years now, and all of this has pushed me over the edge. There are only a few options left now. The least destructive of which is to isolate myself to save those around me from the mess and misery I've created. This may sound melodramatic and excessive, but I've been heading that way for a long time and it seems for the best. People have told me that these thoughts and feelings are due to depression and anxiety, but I don't think they are. It would be comforting to think that my view has been distorted by illness, but I think in reality that this is just who I am and my perspective is a perfectly rational reaction to my situation.
Anyway, sorry for going off topic, I know this is a forum for fissure stuff, but I thought it may help to describe the context of my post-surgery problems.
As always, I do appreciate any input. It does make me feel less insane to be able to talk about this stuff.