5 weeks after 2nd lis- tear

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5 weeks after 2nd lis- tear

Postby hopefulbutt » 19 Nov 2014, 08:19

Where do I go from here? I am lost. Should I ask my crs or get a second opinion? My lis became an abcess and fistula which was finally starting to heal on my right when my fissure decided to open up again on my left. And my butt feels as tight as ever. Honestly I probably should have gone to someone else for my second lis- she took so little thee first time it didn't even show on the ultrasound. I have an appt for dec 10. I'm not sure they can do anything until then anyway. Please, does anyone have ideas for me? Honesty I live my crs but I don't think she has cut enough muscle either time. Do I wait it out until my fistula is healed and then find a second opinion or do I stay with my same crs?? Feelings so down and really wondering if this is my life- will there always be pain? After second lis- one time I couldn't control my poo and I was mortified- but is HAS to be better than pain ALL day long right? :(
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Re: 5 weeks after 2nd lis- tear

Postby msimon » 19 Nov 2014, 17:59

I don't believe that LIS is supposed to PREVENT fissures. Just to heal them as the lower tone should help that. How are your BMs? Did you tear on a soft BM? Have you ever tried botox? I am 6 days post-LIS and I have to say the botox seemed to help me more...so far. I am really hoping this turns out as my recovery is currently very rough. Do you have any ointment you can use?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: 5 weeks after 2nd lis- tear

Postby hopefulbutt » 19 Nov 2014, 22:40

Msimon thanks for replying to me. Bms are usually soft but that day was soft and larger than normal. I think from the raisin bran I had. Bran not so good for me. I've been using the diltiazem cream I have from before. I've had botox twice as well. Botox was good but I always tore so bad even with it. Just too stinking tight. I hope you feel better soon. After my first lis I knew that it didn't work with in a week. This one felt much better in for five weeks until yesterday. I hope you're right quickly. muscles really been bothering me. The CRS who did the anal ultrasounds that I had a lot of muscle left to be cut after my first lis. My Crs was super conservative. I just wonder if she cut enough now or if I will need a third. :(
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