Hi everyone,
just want to touch base again and update to give hope to all those suffering.
So it’s been over 6 years since my first fissure a time in my life when for the first time ever I began to lose hope. The unremitting pain, the fear, the constant trying to find ‘safe’ foods. This changed my core beliefs on so many things.
I honestly thought for months after my sphincterotomy I would not get better, but slowly I did. I got my medication sorted lots of lopermide and amitriptyline to slow my digestion and slowly but surely I healed.
I did get another fissure about 18 months after with pain of about a 5 and again 6 months ago but GTN sorted it out even if it took a few months the pain never reached the height’s of the first time. Didn’t even need to sit hours in the bath.
I can eat and drink fairly normally again, I still swim everyday and even go out cycling now, something I could never have contemplated before.
so, to anyone here from my dark days…thank you, this forum really did keep me alive. To anyone struggling, trust me it can and will get better.