6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence


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6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby tight80 » 23 Apr 2020, 18:50

Hi everyone,

So I had LIS with fissurectomy 6 months ago and was doing great. I'd say I felt about 90-95% healed with the exception of the slightest bit of soreness on my fissure side from time to time. Met with my CRS at 3 month's post op and wasn't healed yet, but when I met with him last month he said I was fully healed. Got back to my regular routine and have been feeling great. Haven't felt any inkling of a fissure recurrence. Then about 3 days ago I ate something that upset my stomach a bit and created some bloating and pressure and after that evening's BM - it's all back. I had 2 sleepless nights from the pain and dull aching. I'm back to sitzing 3-5 times per day to try to calm it. I feel pretty good when I wake up, but swelling is right back after every BM. I was hoping it was simply a thrombosed hemmy that would resolve in a few days, but no - it's acting just like fissure. Doc said my original fissure was a small one so I would be surprised if it is the same one. but I guess it could be if it never fully healed? Has anyone gotten LIS and had a fissure come back or gotten brand new ones? If yes, were you able to heal them on your own by sitzing or using nifedipine again? I thought the LIS surgery was supposed to reduce the resting pressure so we don't have these problems in the future. I already had some minor leakage issues after LIS so I really don't want to even consider a second procedure because of that. Any feedback is appreciated. I have a teleconference with my CRS scheduled for Tuesday. I'm praying that I'm feeling better by then because I don't want to have to go in for a re-check with coronavirus right now. Trying to stay positive, but I'm in pain again and this is so frustrating.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby chachacha » 23 Apr 2020, 20:02

From what I understand, LIS doesn't prevent future fissures, it just leaves you "looser", so that anything new can heal quickly and never become chronic. I hope that your CRS teleconference goes well on Tuesday.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby tight80 » 06 May 2020, 16:58

Thanks chachacha. That's what CRS said, too. He wanted to see me so I went in for an exam today. Good news was that if I had a fissure it has already healed up, but the exam did confirm a chronic muscle spasm. I guess it's related to levator ani syndrome. So it's time for me to see a pelvic floor specialist. Hoping that working with one can fix me for good. After dealing with a year of fissures and surgery and then healing up from surgery... I'm ready for some long lasting relief.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby chachacha » 06 May 2020, 17:06

Sounds promising! Good luck going forward.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby Coconutoil » 07 May 2020, 21:59

How does a pelvic floor specialist help with the fissure? Thanks. I’m going through this too, finally researching proctologist’s to set up an appointment. But I’m terrified of the exam.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby tight80 » 08 May 2020, 01:24

What happened for me is that chronic fissure caused muscle spasm and even though I had LIS which was able to heal the fissure... I still have muscle spasm triggered by bad BMs and pelvic floor disfunction issues. Basically there’s muscle memory that needs some retraining.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby Coconutoil » 02 Jun 2020, 11:42

Just wanted to follow up to see how you’re doing. Did the new fissure heal faster? Did you ever get in with a physical therapist?
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby tight80 » 02 Jun 2020, 16:06

Hi Coconutoil,

Yes! My fissure healed up within 2 weeks. The residual pain I was dealing with was the pelvic floor response. I haven't been able to start pelvic floor therapy yet due to COVID but I plan to start the therapy as soon as I can. I've been reading up on the connection between chronic fissure patients and pelvic floor dysfunction and the two issues go hand in hand more often than I thought. I'm hoping that if I can get the pelvic floor issues handled... then my fissure problems will be less likely to recur. Feeling pretty great right now 8 months post LIS and hoping to continue on this path! Thanks for checking in. I hope that you are doing well and feeling good, too. Did your exam show that you have a fissure?
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby Coconutoil » 07 Jun 2020, 11:33

Hi glad you’re doing good! That’s awesome. I ended up just doing a teleconference but by the questions asked and from what I know. It’s definitely a fissure. I was prescribed nitroglycerin which stopped the heavy bleeding I was having in a week. That part was what depressed me. I still have pain after bm and some days just pain in general right where the tag is but at least the bleeding is gone so I’m just waiting to heal. I think tomorrow I’m going to call about a pelvic floor therapist myself. I’m on the west coast of US, not sure where you’re located but I’m pretty sure here too that might not be taking patients yet. So we will see.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS - Recurrence

Postby AKDad37 » 14 Jun 2020, 00:09

I'm seeing a pelvic floor specialist as well 6 weeks post surgery. My pelvic floor goes nuts after I have a BM, and everything goes tight, even after the surgery I'm having insane tightness
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