Hi everyone,
So I had LIS with fissurectomy 6 months ago and was doing great. I'd say I felt about 90-95% healed with the exception of the slightest bit of soreness on my fissure side from time to time. Met with my CRS at 3 month's post op and wasn't healed yet, but when I met with him last month he said I was fully healed. Got back to my regular routine and have been feeling great. Haven't felt any inkling of a fissure recurrence. Then about 3 days ago I ate something that upset my stomach a bit and created some bloating and pressure and after that evening's BM - it's all back. I had 2 sleepless nights from the pain and dull aching. I'm back to sitzing 3-5 times per day to try to calm it. I feel pretty good when I wake up, but swelling is right back after every BM. I was hoping it was simply a thrombosed hemmy that would resolve in a few days, but no - it's acting just like fissure. Doc said my original fissure was a small one so I would be surprised if it is the same one. but I guess it could be if it never fully healed? Has anyone gotten LIS and had a fissure come back or gotten brand new ones? If yes, were you able to heal them on your own by sitzing or using nifedipine again? I thought the LIS surgery was supposed to reduce the resting pressure so we don't have these problems in the future. I already had some minor leakage issues after LIS so I really don't want to even consider a second procedure because of that. Any feedback is appreciated. I have a teleconference with my CRS scheduled for Tuesday. I'm praying that I'm feeling better by then because I don't want to have to go in for a re-check with coronavirus right now. Trying to stay positive, but I'm in pain again and this is so frustrating.