6 weeks post botox fissurectomy little blood :(

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6 weeks post botox fissurectomy little blood :(

Postby Slightlyimperfect » 06 Dec 2014, 04:31

Hi everyone I haven't posted because i thought everything was going ok till this morning :( I have been healing well and haven't bled since my surgery 6 weeks ago, this morning though a had a rather large stool and checked the toilet paper sure enough blood :(

I was wondering if anyone else has bled this late into healing, I am a bit worried because I thought i was over the worse been keeping up with my diet stopped running biking swimming all the things I love while I healed been taking fibogel and dulcoease and drinking lots of water.

See this morning as a but of a setback there is no pain but gutted :(

I know the botox lasts for about 4 months, I know it's still working because I have no control over passing wind and when I need to go toilet I need to go :)

I think just wondering if anyone out there been through the same? :constipated:
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Re: 6 weeks post botox fissurectomy little blood :(

Postby missy moo » 26 Jan 2018, 14:39

It's been a few years any update?
missy moo
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