8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

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8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby missy moo » 23 Apr 2022, 14:59

Ok i don't want to count my chickens before they hatch but something has changed I'm very confident I've finally turned a corner in my healing journey and what is the difference you ask lol plan old psyllium husk 100% natural no additives just how nature intended. Tmi but I'm passing hard bits, weird shapes, large bms, fudgy sticky bms, soft, all the bms there are with out any trouble pain or blood it can feel an bit stressful physically an mentally at times were i would normally have pain like during a big bm or hard bm but i try to breath an relax i also move around like from one bum cheek to the other an put one foot up onto the seat then switch an lift the other foot up this helps to break that mental tension we create in that lower area so things can move as thet naturally want to. I only take 1 teaspoon a day NO softeners haven't had them in months but i only added the psyllium 3 wks ago an I've noticed changes as mentioned also my muscle seems looser but in a good normal way. I also put retogesic don't know how its spelt on after every bm just because it can't hurt an it will help relax things after the fact. After 8.5 years on softeners thanks to doctors telling me it would fix me all i had to do was take softeners an have perfect soft bms everyday without ever having anything but perfect soft unnatural bms it would heal, it didn't!. I've finally figured out i need normal bms to heal not super soft. If you only have soft then we can't pass normal bms without issues an life creates different bms everyday!!
Last edited by missy moo on 26 Apr 2022, 17:21, edited 1 time in total.
missy moo
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby SueMac » 26 Apr 2022, 11:24

That’s amazing news missy so pleased for you
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby Rich44 » 26 Apr 2022, 12:18

That's right missy. You want large, soft bulky stools to help you heal (and have the sphincter work properly). If you rely on softeners and laxatives it will get tighter and tighter.
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby missy moo » 26 Apr 2022, 17:26

Wow to think all these years i needed normal bms. I think what helped was adding fibre when the fissure wasn't super painful because i added fiber once or twice before but it was when the fissure was super painful you got to time it probably an do it slowly. Slowly wean off softeners (could take months) then if you need to add fiber add that slowly too. I actually went off the softeners an allowed my body to reset for a few months before adding in fiber which i think absolutely helped. You don't want to switch softeners or fiber overnight i did that it doesn't work it will make you hate an blame fiber lol. Good luck to everyone I'll update in a month.
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby missy moo » 03 Jun 2022, 15:34

I'm back not with my old fissure but a new one just my luck so my old one was anterior and its been healed for about 6-7wks now. The new one is posterior. I'm so frustrated this posterior fissure first happened when i got my botox causes by a rough surgeon an since then which was like 4 years ago it has only fleared up like once a month but this time feels different i hope it doesn't stay with me for 8.5 years like the last one. I'm stil taking 1tsp of psyllium husk each day and 3ltrs of water but I'm still getting hard nuggets at the start of bms. I know i should give up coffee butvi only have 1 or 2 a day its my happy place. Feeling low today was hoping by the 1wk mark this fissure would of settled down a bit i also have a hemaroid right next to the fissure
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby borghive » 02 Oct 2022, 13:14

@Missy poo How much protein are you eating per day? Do you eat animal protein or just plant based?
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby missy moo » 10 Oct 2022, 23:11

Borghive I'm 90% vegetarian and only have limited dairy mostly full fat yoghurt or full fat cows milk more often I have yoghurt then milk and no cheese of any sort was a personal choice but that could be what actually help heal my fissures I'm still doing well since my last update. I have flear ups less often an they are only for 1 or 2 days an 90% less painful then before so moving in the right direction. Hope that helps feel free to ask any other questions
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby borghive » 12 Oct 2022, 14:00

@Missy Moo Okay, this is going to sound weird, but bear with me here. I was strict vegan for 7 years. The first few years of my diet was good, but then around 2 years into being vegan is when the health problems started. Teeth issues, gum issues, healing issues, wound healing issues ect... I never put much thought into thinking my diet was connected with my issues. I got anal fissures on a regular basis even from soft BMs. Well this April one of my fissures got infected which turned into an abscess, which in turn, turned into a superficial fistula.

I had to get surgery in April for the fistula and the fissure. I had a rather large anal papilla, which was heaped up around my fissure site. The surgeon basically said this was due to poor healing at that site. Anyway, about 8 weeks post-surgery, I was still having a lot of drainage from my surgery site, this should have stopped by now.

I contacted my Dr. and they made me come up for an unscheduled post-op appointment. When the surgeon examined me, she said my wound only healed around 15% or so and at almost 2 months post-op I had very little healing. Usually, fissure and fistula surgery has a 6 week recovery period.

They had to give me silver nitrate treatment that day. When she went to apply the silver nitrate treatment, she tore my entire anterior part of the opening of my anus. The pain was like an 11. She asked me if I was on steroids, she had never seen someone tear like that from just a simple digital exam. She said my skin just broke apart down there.

After this visit, this got me thinking about wtf was going on with my skin. So, I contacted a nutritionist who specializes in wound healing. My first visit we went over what was going on with me and she said that my healing issues are very common among people on a vegetarian and vegan diet. The fact is, to heal this part of the body, you need an extremely high amount of protein intake daily. For men it was around 130+ grams of protein and for women it is around 115-120 grams.

She basically told me that there isn't really a good way to get the amount of protein you need to heal a wound from a plant based diet. You need to eat an ungodly amount of plant-based food to equal what you can get in protein in a just 8-10 oz of meat per day.

So, I started on her program and in 3 weeks of eating normal, my wound site healed significantly. The surgeon was astonished. It still took around 3 more months to heal and I'm still kind of healing at that site, but things are so much better. My skin around my anus now feels like it can stretch normally now without tearing. *crosses fingers*

I've been pushing out pretty bulky normal sized stools without too much issue. I still get anal itching, but that is due to my coffee consumption.

I know anal fissures are a common thing, but when you start digging around, you will see that this condition is very prominent among plant-based eaters.

My health problems since I started eating meat have diminished greatly. I know I will always have to take extra care of my butt, but I think eating a healthy omnivore diet is the key to beating anal fissures and optimal health.

I know this all might sound like nonsense, but I can't emphasize enough the importance of eating enough protein daily. There is a ton of misinformation around plant based diets out there right now, saying that this diet is very health, but the reality is so much more complex.

If you have any questions as to what my diet was, I'd be happy to share with you.
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby borghive » 12 Oct 2022, 14:06

@Missypoo This Discord server is a support group for butt sufferers. There is tons of great information there and very helpful people that suffer butt problems to answer questions. https://discord.gg/he4MZZHmW2

I hang out there as well, offering advice on diet and post surgery care.
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Re: 8.5 year fissure i think i found my fix

Postby missy moo » 13 Oct 2022, 16:59

Wow good for you u was gonna say if your female have your estrogen levels checked if not look into zink and vit a both help with poor healing I've never been so low in protein in my life and things have never been better I don't blame meat an will go back to eating it at some point I'm just currently doing a cleanse. Isn't beef high protein because it lives off of grass? That's what I heard but regardless I'm no going to stay away from meat for ever its just a thing I'm doing at the moment although I do believe we can live healthy lives as vegans so long as we are eat the right things vegans can easily get stuck in a rut if eating high carbs like rice an bread and fake foods which can cause alot of people constipation. Also too much fiber can stop the absorption of nutrients from our foods so that includes eating high abouts of brown rice bread fruit/veg
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