8 weeks post LIS

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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8 weeks post LIS

Postby quiksilver » 03 Dec 2021, 19:10

So I had LIS on 10/8/2021 and I'm feeling concerned. The surgery itself went ok and took a week off for recovery, as well as half days from work the second week. I work an office job of sitting all day. I've had two post op appointments now with the surgeon and have mentioned that there is still bleeding and the pain itself is somewhat still there after bm as of today (8 weeks post surgery). Some not a painful as others, but still blood every time. My bm tend to be on the large side even with stool softeners and I drink around 1 to 2 liters of water on average daily. Has anyone experienced such a long healing period like this? My surgeon didn't seem concerned either time that i've seen him about the bleeding. Not so much that it seems he doesn't care, just as if it's normal that this could still be happening. He ensures me to just stay on my normal diet and takin a stool softener if necessary. I try not to worry too much, but I can't help but feel like the muscle wasn't cut enough or something else going on with me could be prolonging this.
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Re: 8 weeks post LIS

Postby Conifer2 » 16 Dec 2021, 15:33

Hi there - I just wanted to reply to your msg as no one has. I was wondering how you are doing a couple of weeks later? Have things improved?
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