Hello everyone,
I am a newbie to this forum; pls pardon me if i am not following any "best practices" of the forum.
I had my Advancement Flap (endorectal) surgery performed to rectify RectoVaginal fistula 5 days ago. I had a medium-sized passage that was very low/close to the anus. The CRS surgeon said surgery was success and she was not able to see any opening after the surgery . I had BM after a day of surgery, my urination is normal, i am on pain-meds and the pain is slowing subsiding.
But today, unfortunately i started passing gas leakage form vagina as well as anus Does this mean that my surgery was a failure? How long would it take fro the procedure to heal? Should i go through the same procedure again to close the passage?
I am unable to control my tears. Please advice/guide/help me out.
THanks in advance