Advice for Dealing with anal fissures

Guidelines to follow based on personal experinces.

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Advice for Dealing with anal fissures

Postby akh122 » 07 May 2021, 05:06

Hi everyone! I have been dealing with this from the past 4 years. It still hurts at times, but my progress has been an upwards slope.
1. I got surgery by the first year which made a tremendous difference (laser surgery).
2. Drink plenty of water, the biggest game changer.
3. While excreting, use a stool to elevate your legs to a squatting position. The higher your legs are, the better.(You can use bathroom slippers to further elevate your foot.) If you don't have access to a chair, simply lift your legs up as high as you can. Another game changer.
4. To prevent constipation: Exercise, water, and a healthy diet. Mental stress also plays a huge role, so please reach out to your loved ones when things get cumbersome.
5. I have personally switched to a vegan lifestyle which has also helped. (The environmental and social issues it helps with is a bonus!)
I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out and take care <3
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