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Advice Please!

Postby Snuggles » 27 Apr 2018, 07:30

I am new here and so glad to have found this community. I would really appreciate some advice.

Usual story, started with increasing and extreme pain a few weeks ago, initially thought (and told by GP) that it was a thrombosed haemorrhoid. Given cream and suppositories that just made it worse until a lightbulb moment when I read about anal fissures online and the description fitted what I was experiencing. Went back to GP who confirmed it. I was prescribed Rectogesic five days ago but it took me until yesterday to find the courage to try it (I suffer with a bit of health anxiety and am terrified of all the possible side effects).

I've used it twice now and it does make me feel very light headed for a bit, but it soon passes. However I'm worried about a couple of things. Firstly, I get extreme itching immediately after using it, it only lasts ten or fifteen minutes but I don't know if I should be worried about it (especially as I have some allergies). Secondly, I'm finding it VERY difficult to administer and I'm scared I'm making the fissure worse. I'm using a finger wrapped in cling film but feel I'm really having to force it in and I think it's causing me more pain. I presume I can't use a lubricant as that would effect the GTN? I can't understand why it doesn't come with an appropriately shaped applicator, I feel like my finger is too fat and stubby and it just hurts.

My other major problem is work. I struggled on in agony for a while, but I have been off sick all this week. My pain is quite manageable at home because I can sit with my feet up or lie down or walk about. But at work, I am sitting for eight hours and it's absolute torture. Just the journey there in the car is bad enough. I feel that if I go back to work and put myself in that kind of pain (nothing eases it) the fissure isn't going to heal. Has anyone else had to take time off because of the pain?

I don't know why this has happened to me, which is a worry in itself. I don't ever get constipated or have hard stools, in fact I have the opposite problem - four to five BMs a day is normal for me (I have IBS).

Any advice would be much appreciated, especially about applying the Rectogesic - is there an easier way??
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Re: Advice Please!

Postby Kacenka » 27 Apr 2018, 14:28

I was scared of using it too! I thought I would pass out, get a major headache,... nothing. Absolutely nothing. I scared myself to death for no reason. My doctor told me to use a gauze finger to apply it!!! I think he should try it while his butt is completely shut! Yeah, try that, doc! I was really mad at him. Try using a q tip. That's what I did. That way you can get it in there without tearing up some more. I don't know who came up with this nonsense. Stick a finger up your butt while you're having a spasm!

I work from home so I spent my days kneeling on the floor and working. Sometimes I sat sideways while supporting one side with a pillow. It was rough. I can't imagine going to an office. I would've had to go on a short term disability because I couldn't sit for 15 minutes.
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Re: Advice Please!

Postby Snuggles » 28 Apr 2018, 05:00

Thank you Kacenka, I hadn't thought of trying a q tip, I will give it a go.

Yes I think I could cope if I could work from home, but sitting in an office chair for 8 hours seems all but impossible :o(
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Re: Advice Please!

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 01 May 2018, 12:53

How did you get on with the Q-tip? If you can't get the rectogesic up there to begin with it, putting some on your anus opening is a good start... good luck!
Deleted User 7114

Re: Advice Please!

Postby Snuggles » 01 May 2018, 13:05

Hi, I am really struggling to be honest. I've tried the q tip, but no matter whether I use that or a finger, I'm not convinced I'm actually depositing much ointment up there (it seems to just stick to my finger or the q-tip and come back out with it). I'm not getting any noticeable pain relief from using it, and actually I think it might just be making things even more sore. My GP has told me to persevere with it for another week but I feel pretty miserable at the moment and don't know whether to just stop and see what happens or keep using it.
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Re: Advice Please!

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 02 May 2018, 15:27

In my experience, rectogesic doesn’t give any immediate pain relief, but it did start to loosen the muscles a bit after 7-10 days, making the spasms somewhat more bearable. If in doubt, I would definitely recommend sticking with it, even if it means only putting it on the outside for the time being. And yes it does get everywhere! TMI alert... I gently inserted a finger covered in cling film and rectogesic, gently squeezed my sphincter muscles while pulling my finger out (to get as much rectogesic to come off as possible) and wiped the remainder on the outside. But yes a lot of that precious, expensive ointment does end up in the bin...
Deleted User 7114

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