Welcome! Discuss your experiences, share your stories and get friendly help and advice. This forum provides members experience based informative help for such health issues as anal fissures, hemorrhoids, fistulas, IBS, Crohn's
I’m at the end of my rope to be honest. This thing came and went but it’s been constant pain for the last 6 months, that’s when I opted for pain and stress management from my doctor.
The medical system is so slow and bogged down it’s maddening
Yes the medical system is terrible. I've been to the ER 6 times two different hospitals waited hours at a time to have a stupid ER doctor look at my bumhole and send me away with a prescription for pain killers.
Tomorrow I should be receiving a call from the hospital to arrange an apt for MRI. It took my surgeon 2 months to get around to it.
I had arranged to see a surgeon with my family doctor for a colonoscopy.
While I was waiting I came down with a perianal abscess which burst and turned into 2 fistulas. When I went to see the surgeon for the colonoscopy I had to explain what had happened. We arranged for an EUA and fistulotomy.
It’s a deep burning/ache/spasm...it’s a slightly different pain than when I was diagnosed with a fissure 10 years ago
No pain with bm, the pain starts after, usually 2 hours after and lasts most of the day, calms down a bit at night thank god
I’ve been told my pelvic floor is in spasm, and the rectal muscles don’t relax after bm. This also affects my bladder, it spasms as well so it’s a double whammy of pain.