Hi everyone,
You may have saw my diary on the first page of my recovery. I stopped writing 45 days post op as everything was going well.
I now have another appointment on Tuesday next week because I'm very concerned. The swelling around where the sutures were significantly decreased after the last stitch fell out. However, there is still swelling after a BM but drains quickly and by 8 hours later very little to no drainage appears until my next BM.
This wouldn't concern me in and of itself as it seems like this is just how it goes as you're healing. It has gotten better over time so I wasn't too concerned. However, as of 2 days ago I noticed that in the healing wound, I suddenly have a new very small hole which very much resembles the original external opening re-appearing on top of the scar. The wound itself is not 100% healed so drainage does come out of the area very close to the anal verge as it has since surgery, but the new hole appeared in a spot that is essentially on-route to the still healing wound. It does drain fluid if pressure is applied to the area nearby where it still swells after a BM. Now, it's not a hard lump at all. Barely applying pressure I can feel the air/fluid pushing out of the still healing wound inside my rectum as well as out of the external opening that's healing and the new hope that is en route to the still healing wound.
I guess I'm concerned because why would a hole reappear if there is already an exit for the drainage in terms of the still healing wound? The new hole is probably 2mm away from the still healing wound. I did not experience a new abscess! Does anyone else have any experience with this post fistulotomy?
I'm hoping at worst my CRS will apply silver nitrate as I've read about and maybe it's just delayed healing. I'm freaking out over it though, I cannot afford ANOTHER surgery and taking any more time off of work. I don't have IBD or Chrons and my fistula was superficial and low. It is in the posterior 6 o'clock position, and I have heard that is a harder area to heal.
Just looking to find out if anyone experienced anything similar and hoping it ended up being nothing requiring another surgery