An avocado a day keeps the fissure at bay?

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An avocado a day keeps the fissure at bay?

Postby William2 » 21 Mar 2017, 20:04

I've been having good BM luck since I started eating guacamole at lunch each day. Every following morning, my BM has been pretty soft (with a little green tint; sorry for TMI). Avocados are apparently good with magnesium and oil, so I assume that's why.

My wife makes really simple guacamole. She just adds lime juice to mashed avocados.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
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Re: An avocado a day keeps the fissure at bay?

Postby Canadabum » 23 Mar 2017, 16:40

Thanks for sharing that tidbit...I guess we on this board could rewrite the old saying...."an avocado a day keeps the Dr. away"....think i know what I am having for lunch

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Re: An avocado a day keeps the fissure at bay?

Postby William2 » 26 Mar 2017, 06:59

I just wanted to update that this avocado thing is still consistently working out for me (and my wife, incidentally). The green tint is gone, but the softness remains. I may eat guacamole for lunch every day for the rest of my life.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
1/17 - present: fissure/hemms, healed but pain remained, 3 CRSs (nifedipine, infrared coag) were no help, cold dilating >= 1" helped but still have pain when sitting
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Re: An avocado a day keeps the fissure at bay?

Postby hurtinend » 26 Mar 2017, 13:05

Avocado is a natural softener and well one of the more healthiest foods you can eat.

Loaded with Omega fatty acids, the good fat we need.

Mashed Avocado on super grain toast is a great breakfast.
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