Hi -
I came across this forum, while doing some research on anal fissures, and was happy to find it! Here's a little bit of myself. I'm a 35 year old female, I have two children 8 and 5, and I have Health Anxiety! Here's my anal fissure story. Keep in mind, I haven't been diagnosed with an anal fissure yet...based on research I think it is.
Back in March I had large BM's 3 days in a row that felt like sharp/knife like/ and tearing pain when I went to the bathroom, it bled all three times and the third time it was the worst and i scheduled an appointment to see a doctor. I had to wait a few days before seeing the doctor and within those few days when I would have a BM and it didn't hurt neither did it bleed. The doctor recommended that I come back and check in a month since there was no bleeding. Within the month there was no bleeding but a few times I would still feel the sharp/knife like/tearing feeling but very little blood. I went back for my visit, and the doctor recommended that I see a surgeon to do an exam that is best explained as a pap smear but for the anal/rectum area. I did that a week later, and the surgeon felt and saw nothing, she said it was more than likely a hemorrhoid and it cleared up since its been six weeks since the BM and bleeding.
From that time until June I've been regular, no blood and normal. Then I went on a vacation and my diet got all messed up and I wasn't regular like I was missing my daily Fiber intake supplement and not drinking water the way I should. Then it came back with the pain and slight bleeding with a BM. This happened once and then I started to get back on track with fiber and water and was fine. Up until this week, I haven't been regular with BM, no sufficient water intake and not consistent on fiber intake, stressed and possibly constipated.
I had BM the day before yesterday and had to push a little but slight pain and no blood, yesterday I had a BM it was large and hard and I felt the sharp/knife like/tearing pain and i saw bright red blood on the wipes that i use and on my stool. I started to put pressure on my bum trying to figure out where it was coming from and it bled more. I got scared, and still am scared. I made an appointment with the surgeon again but that is not for another few days.
I took a stool softener, fiber and drank tons of water and had BM this morning, there was minimal pain and no blood.
I have no idea what to think, is this an anal fissure that reopened? or was it a hemorrhoid? or is it the inevitable and its cancer? (just a side note on the whole cancer thought the first doctor i saw said i need to get checked for cancer since its getting to be more common for people my age! and I'm completely panicking and scared now).
Any thoughts? experiences? anything. Please advice or help is welcomed.