Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

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Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby AFPROB » 04 Nov 2017, 07:24

Hi I m new here and below is my story:

I am a 27 Year old Male, been suffering from Anal Fissure used all kinds of medicines: nifedipine , diltiazem gel. There were promising and my fissure healed 90%. Unfortunately after that I stopped my check on my diet and the fissure pain came back. I started using Nifedipine and fortunately no pain during Pooping but lot of pain was observed when I walk/sit and do anything other than lying down.

Then I went to a General Surgeon who examined and suggested a surgery (he did not tell me whats he gonna do) to fix it for good and I was ok with it because I do not want to live in this pain forever.

He said he wanted to take some blood testes before surgery and during this time I had fever. He re-examined my ass and said there is swelling and looks like my fissure is infected and needs surgery asap and I had my surgery on 3rd Nov 2017.

I did not had a BM on 2nd Nov and 3rd Nov, but my surgeon performed surgery without giving me enema ( I was most surprised). He said that is all right and not to worry.

Today (4th Nov) is Day -1 Post surgery: Pain Level: 0-2 varying on a scale of 10.
Did not have my bowel moment yet. However I had the urge to poop but nothing comes out, I desperately tried to and finally I was able to dig a lil poop out ( I know its gross but cant help, I am desp)

Hoping tomorrow will be fine.

P.S: Sorry for my broken english its my 3rd language
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Re: Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby AFPROB » 04 Nov 2017, 07:33

I also wanted to know how can i soften the already hard stool.....
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Re: Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby AFPROB » 04 Nov 2017, 08:28

Quick Update: Yaay.. Was able to pass some poop finally.....with 0-1 pain level.

Hoping this continues..... and I am fixed for good
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Re: Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby Mypoorbutt » 04 Nov 2017, 09:14

Hi glad your first poop went well with no pain. Do you know what surgery you had I’m assuming it was LIS.
I’m sure this will be an end to all the pain and most people don’t have pain from the day after surgery with perhaps a bit of swelling and soreness on day 3/4.
I would advise getting lots of water and fruit juice with some soups to help soften BMs, others might be able to help you more with that as I don’t need to use stool softeners or laxative but there are lots of helpful threads on here about it.
Good luck and your English is great....what’s your first language
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Re: Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby AFPROB » 04 Nov 2017, 11:45

Hi Mypoorbutt..

Ty for the kind words n suggestion.

Unfortunately I am not sure whats the name of the surgery. At this moment I just hope my BM are soft and easily passable. :lol: Btw my doc has given me a power 'Cremadite' (fibre supplement) hope that helps me

I am from India and my first language is Telugu, Hindi second.
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Re: Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby AFPROB » 04 Nov 2017, 23:35

Update on my Surgery:

This might be more helpful for people whose Anal Fissure has complicated.

Basically after my fissure was almost healed and me not keeping a check on diet, it kept flaring up on and off. I went to a Gastroenterologist who suggested a sigmoidoscopy. This has infected my anal fissure and eventually it converted into an anal absess

I was in unbearable pain so went to my nearest Surgeon, fortunately he is very experienced, he suggested a surgery but it was not LIS as my fissure was infected and converted to anal absess. He did what is required to do ad-hoc during the surgery.

If your fissure is infected and turned into something complex. Please go to a very well qualified and experienced surgeon.
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Re: Anal Fissure Surgery and Coping

Postby AFPROB » 05 Nov 2017, 08:18

DAY 2 Post Op: BM was not at all painful, however I am not at all straining. I ate veggies for both lunch n dinner.

I am getting the 'Stinging' feeling if i sit, hope this goes off soon.
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