by Janjen62 » 19 Jun 2016, 09:55
I finally did it!!!, after over six years of misery. Yesterday was really, REALLY bad. I suffered an intensely painful BM in the morning, I was in tears. Could not sit down, was uncomfortable standing up, it was horrendous. Being Saturday the Doc's was not open. I phoned a friend in tears. She told me to go straight to A&E at the local Hospital which I did. I was dreading it. Anyway, it was a female doctor who saw me... THANKYOU!!, and she told me my rectum was very swollen, there was a tag at the entrance which she said looked like the remnants of a small pile. She felt inside but it was too painful. She felt a small lump which she said was another small pile, and from my description she reckoned I also had a fissure higher up. OMG the relief of finally going. She wrote me a presctiption for a cream, of which I have forgotten as I had to leave at the chemists for them to order it. In the mean time I have been eating Smoothies, soup and ice cream as I have been afraid to go to the toilet. I have been taking anti inflammotary tablets and using coconut oil and lavender around and just inside the rectum. For now, this seems to be helping a lot. Fingers crossed the cream will help!