Anal fissure

Healed after 10 years suffering

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Anal fissure

Postby dgood » 08 Nov 2019, 21:24

Hello everyone.
I suffered with pain and daily bleeding for close to ten years. I finally went to a colorectal surgeon who diagnosed me with an anal fissure and internal haemorrhoids. He prescribed me Diltziam cream which I used for six months with no results.
I tried every diet imaginable including fasting.
A heating pad did assist with the pain.
I tried Restore A Lax / Miralax which did help soften the stool but did not heal me.
So here is how I healed my anal fissure.
Step 1 - Buy yourself a removable shower head and enema bulbStep 2 - Fill bulb with warm waterStep 3 - Lubricate bulb stem with coconut oilStep 4 - Insert slowlyStep 5 - Wait 30 seconds or so before using the washroom. Do not strain and do not wipe with toilet paper.
Repeat these steps 3 to 4 times until your fluids come out clear. This will promote healing if the anal fissure is clean of feces.
Go directly into the shower and use the shower head to directly clean your back end. Follow-up with a sitz bath for 15-20 minutes.
If you can't abstain from drinking alcohol, limit yourself to one or two drinks.
I did this for about 2-3 months and I am finally healed. This worked for me after 10 years of bleeding and 3 years of pain.
Good luck.
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Re: Anal fissure

Postby appleapple » 09 Nov 2019, 13:15

Hi! This is great to hear. Congrats on the healing!
Could you share how you clean the enema bulb? I bought one a long time ago but never got around to using it cuz I had concerns of keeping it clean (the stem, and also the inside of the bulb since after insertion I think it's possible that fecal particles get "sucked" back into the bulb).
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Re: Anal fissure

Postby dgood » 09 Nov 2019, 14:31

Hi I clean it only with warm soapy water been doing this with no issues.
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Re: Anal fissure

Postby appleapple » 18 Nov 2019, 12:13

I tried the enema bulb and have been doing it for about a week now. Wow that thing does flushes out some junk and I do feel a lot cleaner after that. Lol. It coincided with me trying a new home-made suppository of coconut oil and oregano oil (to combat what felt like eternal swelling/inflammation down there) and I got a lot better. Maybe both the enema and the suppositories helped.
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