Hi All
Posted about a week ago about huge hemmies after BOTOX.....well, CRS said fisuure was gone, but I now have a fistula, which I mentioned in the end of that post. Had two opinions and both say exact same thing..superficial and could be taken care of with standard fistulotomy. But I am really worried and need some advice/ support. These hemorrhoids that developed after BOTOX will not go down, fistula is draining right into one and so they are remaining irritated. They have settled from original swelling but will NOT go away, now CRS would like to remove one while doing fistulotomy. Thus combined fistulotomy/hemorrhoidectomy
Anyone ever been in this situation? I have been in pain for so long I forgot what it was like to have a normal day, and I will be doing surgery most likely in less than two weeks, I have trouble concentrating of course and now I fear---not so much the pain as I know its coming---but how long I will be down, long-term consequences etc. Looking for help from the group. Posting this at 2:50 am as sleep can is also be fragmented with thoughts of what's to come..
Another issue: those who had BOTOX (which I will NEVER do again and wish I did not do it..), besides feeling like rectum is falling out (see other posts), BM's, while regular, are still "unsatisfying" as it still feels somewhat numb at the end of a BM, and hard to say what is "left"...always seems like something remains (I am 4-weeks post BOTOX). I clean thoroughly after each, I am not taking Miralax or other agents as I go regularly and these make me go more, which is not advised with my hemorrhoids...in other words, living through hell on earth......but I know some are in worse shape than me, so I am thankful for small favors, and look for support from those who are "in the know"
Thanks all for your help!