Hi everyone.
I get back from seeing my surgeon today for a 3 week post fistulotomy operation. The doctor tells me the wound is healing well. Ask him why I have a dull, throbbing, burning pain at my anus. Examines me and tells me it's a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Prescribes Anusol HC cream.
I head over to my local pharmacy to pick up the cream. My GP (family doctor) is in the same clinic. I ask if I can see him and the secretary books me in for 20 minutes later. I see my doctor, explain my current situation, and he suggests I get on Cipralex anti-depressant as he believes it would help my mood in dealing with the painful physical issues I've had lately.
Prior to 3 months ago I was physically fine. Since my abscess, fistula, and now hems I've been definitely stressed out.
But I'm leery of using an anti-depressant at this point.
Anyone out there with personal experience? This would be a 10mg dosage for 3 months. 5mg (half a pill) for the 1st week, then a pill a day in the morning.