Anyone have blood streaks on stool close to 3 months post

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Anyone have blood streaks on stool close to 3 months post

Postby JB812 » 30 May 2016, 21:37

Anyone have bright red blood streaks still on stool close to 3 months post surgery? I had fissurectomy, fistulotomy and sphincterectomy all in same surgery. I haven't been taking fiber the entire 3 months out- just off and on . I still have occasional sting when having BM . Today, going on 3 months out, I had bright thin blood streaks down my stool.
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Re: Anyone have blood streaks on stool close to 3 months pos

Postby pinpin » 31 May 2016, 07:18

Hi and welcome to forum,

I would assume it might be possible, I just had hemorrhoidectomy and had occasional bleeding during 5-6 month. However we are all different, as well as interventions are different. Had you consulted with your surgeon?

Do you experience spasms after BM?
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: Anyone have blood streaks on stool close to 3 months pos

Postby JB812 » 31 May 2016, 07:48

No spasms. If I have a larger BM I get the sting/zing but that's gotten a lot better since month 2. The wound looks healed from the outside but not sure how far in it goes inside my rectum area though. The blood was thin bright red streak down stool.
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