Anyone in New Zealand?

Anyone know a good surgeon in New Zealand

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Anyone in New Zealand?

Postby missy moo » 28 Jun 2018, 21:13

Hey I'm just checking if anyone lives in NZ? or anyone have their surgery (lis) done here? I don't know of anyone living in NZ with a fissure or any one here who has had lis done so would be nice to chat with someone who is in the same country.
missy moo
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Re: Anyone in New Zealand?

Postby chachacha » 28 Jun 2018, 22:26

While you're waiting for a fellow Kiwi to answer, you might want to look at the ratings for these CRS's in New Zealand. ... octologist
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Re: Anyone in New Zealand?

Postby missy moo » 29 Jun 2018, 03:52

Thanks chachacha looks like a great place to see recommendations an ratings but unfortunately there's only a few for NZ on there an the top two are a 15 hr car drive from where I live an I don't know anyone I could stay with while there. There should be more on there I've done some research an found a few good ones much closer 5hr drive an I have family I can stay with but would need to pay about $10k nzd for private lis to be done so I have alot of thinking to do, it's just annoying that my fissure is still bleeding but not producing much if any pain just discomfort.

Would love to chat to anyone living in NZ I feel so alone way down here in NZ on my own feel like I'm the only kiwi with a fissure
missy moo
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Re: Anyone in New Zealand?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 17 Jul 2018, 08:56

Doesn’t Katie live in NZ?
Deleted User 7114

Re: Anyone in New Zealand?

Postby missy moo » 17 Jul 2018, 14:46

Na don't think so would just be nice to have someone closer going through these things seems like alot are in the uk
missy moo
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