Well yeah. It happened again, so I'm back.
I would like to say hello to all the new people in here, and give a warm hug to all the people who helped me with support the first time around.
I have been going pretty good for the past many years, without worrying about my butt, and I guess I have been taken my pain free but for granted. I stopped all stoolsofteners years ago and just lived my life.
Then, 1st april I tore. I felt it and and saw blood in the toilet. A bit larger and a bit harder BM than usual and I wasn't careful enough.
Given my history I immediately went back on stool softeners and got hold on rectogesic. I managed to improve my situation until this morning . Now, 14 days later I retore. Dammit.
This time around I'm not going to spend as much time in pain as last time, so I will give rectogesic 2 months to work, and then ask for Botox. Then 3 months for Botox to work, or I will go for LIS.
Anyways. I'm back for now, so if you need help or support, please just reach out!
Remember, there are better days ahead, so stay strong!