Back to Square One Again?

Prolapsed hem, re-opened fissure

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Back to Square One Again?

Postby Bum_UK » 03 May 2017, 14:42

I need to vent! I had another prolapsed internal hem ten days ago. The GP diagnosed it and popped it back in. I was in agony the following 24 hours. I've not been back to as good as I was before that after the initial incident.

I had five BMs today for some reason. I think I've been a bit backed up as I only used 1.5 sachets of Movicol over the weekend as things got very soft. A hem appeared after the fifth BM but I managed to get it back in. However, I've been in agonising pain for the last 4.5 hours. The hem is in but I strongly suspect that my index finger passing the fissure either re-tore or severely agitated the fissure.
What do you guys do with prolapsed hems when you have fissures? My prolapsed hems seem prone to bleed and behave better when back in where they belong.
I'm so very frustrated right now!
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Re: Back to Square One Again?

Postby Jamesscott96 » 04 May 2017, 05:38

Bum_UK wrote:I need to vent! I had another prolapsed internal hem ten days ago. The GP diagnosed it and popped it back in. I was in agony the following 24 hours. I've not been back to as good as I was before that after the initial incident.

I had five BMs today for some reason. I think I've been a bit backed up as I only used 1.5 sachets of Movicol over the weekend as things got very soft. A hem appeared after the fifth BM but I managed to get it back in. However, I've been in agonising pain for the last 4.5 hours. The hem is in but I strongly suspect that my index finger passing the fissure either re-tore or severely agitated the fissure.
What do you guys do with prolapsed hems when you have fissures? My prolapsed hems seem prone to bleed and behave better when back in where they belong.
I'm so very frustrated right now!

hope your ok mate , i am hoping this was just a bad day for u , maybe make that a bad 2-3 days in my case when it happens. i hope you did not bleed etc, i try to limit myself to only 1 bm a day as have found anymore retears me and takes me back in healing , sometimes my ibs plays up and i feel i need toilet so i sit alone till it passes

hope your staying strong bro i am dealing with similar problems as everyone else. my pain and spasms are vannishing by the morning time etc but then need toilet every morning lol so itching spasms all return after bm and last all day till next day sometimes pains still slightkly there next day before bm so it makes me even more upset an anxious

if i am honest i dont really know what is going on with my ass i dont touch it. even when i do for rectogesic its barely a touch

how are you today mate
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Re: Back to Square One Again?

Postby Bum_UK » 04 May 2017, 08:40

I'm doing a bit better today. I had two BMs this morning and was not able to sit for more than a few minutes until around noon. I'm pretty much pain free now but that seems to be my pattern. I get pretty bad pains in the morning and it's better in the afternoon. The hems have stayed in today and I'm thankful for that. I don't particularly like touching my butt but there's only one way to get a roid back in...

I was supposed to have a friend come over for a visit today but I cancelled it yesterday. We were in touch this morning and I had someone to chat with for three and a half hours and it was nice.
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Re: Back to Square One Again?

Postby chachacha » 04 May 2017, 09:21

I have prolapsing hemmies and they (naturally) hurt when they are outside, because they don't belong there. I always push them back inside as quickly as possible, and in my case was lucky because they used to protect my fissure by shielding it from the bowel movements coming through. It was only the acidic diarrhea, or softer movements that caused aggravation, so I'm sorry that in your case, the fissure gets more irritated when you have to go. I'm not able to give you any great advice, other than to get them back in quickly, which you already have sensed is the right thing to do.
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Re: Back to Square One Again?

Postby Jamesscott96 » 04 May 2017, 10:02

Bum_UK wrote:I'm doing a bit better today. I had two BMs this morning and was not able to sit for more than a few minutes until around noon. I'm pretty much pain free now but that seems to be my pattern. I get pretty bad pains in the morning and it's better in the afternoon. The hems have stayed in today and I'm thankful for that. I don't particularly like touching my butt but there's only one way to get a roid back in...

I was supposed to have a friend come over for a visit today but I cancelled it yesterday. We were in touch this morning and I had someone to chat with for three and a half hours and it was nice.

i know what that feels like , sounds like your healing tho. from what i can tell from my body i felt alot worse 5 months back after bm alot more intense pain doesnt subside for me till next day sometimes i get spasms allday even through till next, but from what it sounds the pain will last less and less as the months and weeks go by you will notice slight change , your doing good tho by sounds of it and im jelous i am not at your stage yet lol mine is pain allday :( sometimnes go by evening then my ass feels tingly and uncomfy , especially transitioning from seat to seat takes me time to adjust

but i think the pain changes verrry verrry slowly during the weeks, until its normal again ( this is what im thinking )

stay strong m8 i have my buddy coming over mine but can only handle about 20-30 mins with em before i want to be alone again, i find being alone helps to a extent with me personally
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Re: Back to Square One Again?

Postby Bum_UK » 04 May 2017, 10:50

Have you told your mate about your issues? I had to tell mine who came over today. It was embarrassing but it turns out that he had had similar problems and he was sympathetic?

I think the fissure is healing but it does get a lot worse after the hemmie incidents. I guess it's good that I was able to sleep last night. I was in agony until around 10pm and it got better after that.

I'm sure you'll be back to normal quickly after the LIS!
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Re: Back to Square One Again?

Postby Bum_UK » 04 May 2017, 10:53

chachacha wrote:I have prolapsing hemmies and they (naturally) hurt when they are outside, because they don't belong there. I always push them back inside as quickly as possible, and in my case was lucky because they used to protect my fissure by shielding it from the bowel movements coming through. It was only the acidic diarrhea, or softer movements that caused aggravation, so I'm sorry that in your case, the fissure gets more irritated when you have to go. I'm not able to give you any great advice, other than to get them back in quickly, which you already have sensed is the right thing to do.


I guess it's a blessing in disguise that the hemmies protect your fissure when they come through. It's so frustrating having to deal with both hemmies and a fissure at the same time.
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