Bleeding a week after fistulatomy

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Bleeding a week after fistulatomy

Postby Redcap » 10 Dec 2017, 10:41

Hi everyone,

After dealing a fissure for the past 8 years I decided to get Fistulatomy that my surgeon recommended. I have to say it has been a great decision so far as my bowl movements have been painless for 98% with high fiber and Colace Clear. I had the surgery 9 days ago and was able to back to work. But what I'm nervous about is the bleeding from the site. I change the gauze in my behind 3-5 times a day and have at least 3 sitz bath everyday and maybe more if I have multiple bowl movements in a day. However I'm noticing that the blood on the gauze is increasing with more activity I do everyday. Could this because there is simply more blood flow there hence more blood on the gauze? Also I have noticed (twice) that there is some blood (about 10-15 drops) in the sitz bowl when I get up from it after a bowl movement. Would you guys please let me know if this is normal and or if I should call my surgeon to have him look. I domt want to be that crazy patient ;)

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