Hello Dawn, Steve and Tony,
How can I ever thank you amazing folks?! When I first saw the blood I thought I tore the flap or something like that. Your assurance that this can be somewhat normal sure calms me down some. Tony, I hope that you are getting better. Dawn, your hug was just what I needed, even it is in the cyber world.

Dawn, I have this hard nodule close to where they removed the pile, thrombosed hemo or whatever it was. The doctor says it will go away with time, but your email made me feel better knowing it came from someone that has been through it. Steve, I haven't had blood after the first few days of BMs so it shocked me to see it and I had visions of the old days coming back. I cried and then came here for advice. I see the surgeon tomorrow. For some reason I thought the blood would be less and less (which it was) and then be gone with each day of healing (which I just found out isn't so). Sad but glad to know it