Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

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Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby rosebud » 24 Oct 2011, 10:22

Hello dear supporters,
I had surgery for deep anal fissure, advanced flap repair, hemorrhoidectomy and rectal abcess four weeks ago tomorrow. My stools are soft at 2 -3 per day due to Metamucil x3 per day. Been home for four weeks now. However, I noticed blood on the soft wiping pad I use after each bowel movement (alcohol free for newborns). I am scared to death. I thought I was on the way up. I am terrified. How/why could I have blood now, four weeks later??? Please help..... Rosebud :( :( :(
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Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby Guest » 24 Oct 2011, 10:30

Hi Rosebud,
You have had a whole lot of work done. I don't think this is uncommon at all considering all that you have had done. Please don't think this is a set back. It will take awhile for things to completely heal. Have you read Philbers LIS /hemorrhoidectomy experience? He had some blood here and there pretty far into his recovery, and I know Kim, who just had LIS did too... I know it's scary but you had even more work done than they both did. It can be weird like that. It doesn't mean your not healing! Image

Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby Guest » 24 Oct 2011, 10:32

ps... Rosebud, I had a weird experience 8 weeks into my recovery where I thought I had developed a skin tag in the place of the one I had removed. I know these things can be shocking and I understand your fears, but things are so tender down there. My skin tag thing went away and hasn't returned. I think it just takes time after the trauma of surgery for things to get really strong!

Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby StevePain » 24 Oct 2011, 11:41

Yeah, like Dawn says, you've had a lot of work done down there, it's such a sensitive place and the more work done, the more the pain levels increase, I wouldn't be too alarmed at the passing of blood so early on in your recovery, I had blood and discharge for months after LIS and Fissurectomy, and the fact you've had a hemmorhoidectomy it's obvious that there will be blood occasionally
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Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby TonyStone » 24 Oct 2011, 18:13

I had a little more than usual today since the doc stuck his head up there Friday with a flashlight and I am 3 weeks out
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Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby rosebud » 24 Oct 2011, 18:47

Hello Dawn, Steve and Tony,
How can I ever thank you amazing folks?! When I first saw the blood I thought I tore the flap or something like that. Your assurance that this can be somewhat normal sure calms me down some. Tony, I hope that you are getting better. Dawn, your hug was just what I needed, even it is in the cyber world. Image Dawn, I have this hard nodule close to where they removed the pile, thrombosed hemo or whatever it was. The doctor says it will go away with time, but your email made me feel better knowing it came from someone that has been through it. Steve, I haven't had blood after the first few days of BMs so it shocked me to see it and I had visions of the old days coming back. I cried and then came here for advice. I see the surgeon tomorrow. For some reason I thought the blood would be less and less (which it was) and then be gone with each day of healing (which I just found out isn't so). Sad but glad to know it
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Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby rosebud » 24 Oct 2011, 18:48

can be considered normal. I still live day to day dreaming of a better future with all of this. Thanks to all of you! Rosebud...
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Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby Guest » 24 Oct 2011, 21:06

Your welcome Rosebud! I'm no expert, but I have read enough to know you have experienced some pretty serious work down there!! The anal flap repair is much more work than LIS ,and hemorrhoidectomy is the worst of all anal surgeries pain wise and healing, then the abscess 4 weeks ago... Good Lord , you have been through so much!! Four weeks is very early in recovery with all that you have had done. I believe I have read where it took others as much as 12 weeks with the hem surgery alone.
I understand your shock though. It is very disheartening to see any blood after all you have been through and not seeing any for awhile now had to scare you, no doubt. I haven't read Phils thread in along time, but I do believe he seen blood as far as 12 weeks post-op. I believe another boardie had blood here and there for a year after LIS , and has been healed for years now.
Just continue to keep up your baths and taking care of yourself. I know it will all fall into place. :) Just with LIS and my tag removal, it took 6 weeks before I wasn't sore at all where the tag was removed. It takes some time- that's for sure! Your better future is coming Rosebud. You did all the right things and now your healing is taking place.

Re: Blood four weeks post op!!! Please advise...

Postby antonia » 27 Aug 2015, 10:14

Agree with all of the above - I am eight weeks post op. Rarely will also see a spot of blood on the tissue. Don't panic. You are getting better every day. Keep up the good habits you have learned.
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