Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

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Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2009, 12:02

My GP is the one the prescribes my anti-depressants (I take cymbalta) and anti-anxiety (Xanax) and manages them. Counseling is a great tool as well to help with confronting your fears and talking back to the so they don't rule your life.
My favorite television teacher Joyce Meyer says FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real and can really steal our joy and keep us from enjoying life. Get support and help. You are not alone.

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2009, 13:01

Sharing this with us will make you realise your not alone - this isn’t in your head and your symptoms are real !
You should see your GP and tell them everything it will make you feel so much better - You are in control of your life and now is the time to act before any more of your life is taken by F.E.A.R !
I think a diagnoses of your fissure would help you too, you can ask your gp to refer you to a specialist sometimes people have fissures that are hidden away or ones that heal quickly and then re open :roll:
Most gps are hopeless when it comes to fissures but they can prescribe the creams that have been mentioned I use the Anoheal –dilatizem.
Hang in there Emma !

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Gloria lim » 08 Jul 2017, 11:52

Hi there, I am 20 this year and I am currently experiencing what you've mentioned on the forum. It took me a Long time to find a similar case of mine. I suffer from internal piles as well, so it gets me confuse when I bleed. But I am very sure now I have an anal fissure as my doc told me she saw a tear at my anus but she was more concern about my piles! And when I told her it hurts when I poop she was even confused because internal hemorrhoids do not hurt.. But I really hope I am fine..:')
Gloria lim
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