Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

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Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby ems1981 » 12 Jan 2009, 05:53

Hi All,
I had a colonoscopy June 07 due to having blood on my stool. The colonoscopy was all clear and the surgeon said it was possible I had a tear that had healed. I was fine until Oct 08 - I spent a week in Singapore and Dubai and managed to get constipated. Anyway, I've noticed whenever I have a big BM there is a stinging pain when the movement exits and I've noticed blood streaked stools on these occassions. I've been very itchy down there which seems to be internal. I went to the doc (local GP) who had a look. He couldn't see anything outside but put his finger in and it was a bit painful. He said I had a fissure and gave me lactulose to take. I'm a bit of a hypercondriac and feel there is something more wrong even though I seem to have all the symptoms of a fissure. Does this sound like a fissure and can they be internal. The thing that has me worried is I don't have blood in the bowl or much on the toilet paper. It always seems to be on the stool itself. Always bright red.
I know I may have to have another colonoscopy done to rule offer stuff out but I'm hoping my last one 18 months ago if sufficient. I'm 27 and don't have any family history of Colon/rectal cancer. Does anyone know if cancer can grow within 18 months or if it could have been missed at the last scope?
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Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby cherylk » 12 Jan 2009, 06:02

Given your age I would doubt that cancer would grow within 18 months, but doctors do make errors and no test is fool proof. Colonoscopy is usually not recommended to test for cancer until a person is past 50. Sounds like just a fissure to me. My fissure was upwards a bit, and my Mayo GI doc told me that cancer is not painful. Good luck and keep us posted on what happens with your situation.
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Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Deleted User 5 » 12 Jan 2009, 07:53

Welcome EMS! Image
The blood aspect of your situation sounds just like what I went through. Streaks of bright red blood on the stool, almost like a tiny ribbon (?).
Relax! If it's bright red, that's fresh blood from some kind of injury (most likely a fissure) near your rectal opening! It is very, very common with fissures. The blood would be dark red to brown or black were it from deeper inside your digestive canal and caused by a polyp or cancer, which you said you have no family history of!
Can you ask your Dr. for nepfedipine or diltiazem cream to begin a conservative treatment? Is your rectum tight - -another major sign of AF...? Have you used any stool softeners yet like miralax or colace and are you eating less junk food and more fresh fruits and veggies?
Please read through the various threads and posts and you will learn a lot about AF and how others manage it! We are all here for you to help ally your fears! Image
Deleted User 5

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2009, 08:55

Welcome Ems !
Your symptoms do sound that of a fissure - nothing sinister, try to push that thought far far away that’s such a draining thought on your mind..
Yes fissures can be internal ! and bright red indicates injury – nothing else..
Its great you has a colonoscopy this aids in peace of mind, colonscopes are only done every 5-10 years so I don’t think another one would be necessary just yet !
I had my first fissure at 26 its nothing abnormal and happens to the best of us !
The creams Kim has suggested would be a good idea , you must avoid constipation and if you are prone to it your gp can advise a stool softener while you get back on track !!
Goodluck Ems :)

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2009, 09:26

Yes, your symptoms sounds like a fissure or an internal hemorrhoid, but since you had the doctor look I would trust his diagnosis. You already had a colonoscopy so that is great, you can relax and know that you don't have anything emergent. Typically, if you had something more serious the blood would be darker from higher up the bowel.
I know it is easy to worry though, but just focus on keeping your stools soft and take several sitz baths a day. And read, read, read! We have all been there, done that so please feel free to check out our stories and the things we have found helpful. The first step is usually the dilatizem cream to promote blood flow to the area to relax the sphincter so healing can occur.
Take care and welcome!

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby ems1981 » 12 Jan 2009, 10:33

Thanks for all your makes me feel a whole lot better.
I am a worrier and have health anxiety...I always think something is wrong with me. When the bleeding started two years ago my hubby said it was all in my head as the surgeon said he found nothing. I can't bring myself to tell him the bleeding is back. I've been thinking of getting some help from the doctors regarding my fears. I was also thinking of getting hypnotised to try and get rid of these fears.
As for my symptoms yes the blood is bright red and is mostly a streak down the stool (like ribbon yes) kim. The doctor didn't actually say he saw a fissure but as he put his finger in it hurt too much for him to go any further so said I had a fissure going with all my other symptoms...Pain, itching, blood.
Thanks guys
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Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2009, 10:40

I would talk to your husband and tell him your diagnosis. It isn't in your head-you have seen the doctor.
Not to get too personal but have you spoken to a professional about your anxiety and ways to counteract that?
I have a lot of depression and anxiety from having butt problems so long but I tended to be a more anxious person in general to begin with. I take anti-depressants and occasionally anti-anxiety medicine.

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby Deleted User 5 » 12 Jan 2009, 11:02

You are most likely very tight down there, Emma and either have a hemorrhoid or a fissure. So, again, relax, nothing life-threatening - (just painful and hard to heal!)
i see no reason not to tell your husband, real blood is real blood. You should see your GP again, have an exam and find out if you are indeed very tight, explain about the blood stools and the anxiety, all of this he/she needs to know!
Deleted User 5

Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby ems1981 » 12 Jan 2009, 11:17

No haven't seen anyone about my anxiety. It only really started about 2 years ago with the first occurrence of the rectal problems. Since then I've been convinced on different occassions that I have cancer. I don't know why I feel like this, I have the best life. Loving family, loving husband. No one in my family or close friends have suffered with cancer so it baffles me why I'm like this.
My mum suffers from depression and has done all her life so maybe I have this from her but I have an identical twin sister who doesn't have these problems.
I should do something about it because its starting to put a strain on my marriage. Who would I see? My normal GP?
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Re: Blood streaked stool, painful bowel movement, itching

Postby cherylk » 12 Jan 2009, 11:57

I would see your normal GP and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist. Blood and pain can take a very big emotional toll on one's body and mind. Most docs have not had fissures and in my opinion don't understand the mental angst of having a fissure.
I have been seeing a psychiatrist for the past several months who has helped me greatly overall with my mental and physical health. I take the A/D Lexipro. My husband told me it was in my head also. He was partially correct in that I have IBS which is greatly affected by anxiety and depression. Feel free to send me a PM if you wish and good luck!! You can find a lot of support here!! Cheryl
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