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Postby brycesara » 02 Feb 2020, 19:11

Hello, patience & healing had wrote back to me about botox saying that healed her fissure, I just had a couple questions:
Were you sedated?
How many injections?
How many IU or U of botox?
Any pain or discomfort after the botox?
Do they numb it prior to the botox?
How long did it take for the botox to kick in & how long did it last?
Does the botox itself numb the anus or what does the sensation feel like?
Did you have swelling or a lump with your fissure? If so did the botox reduce the swelling/lump?
What doctor and what state did your botox?
Thank you! Any others can answer as well.
Bryce & Sara
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Re: Botox

Postby Allthepain2 » 02 Feb 2020, 23:52

I just had the Botox procedure a week ago so it's too early to say if it's helping, but I thought I could answer a few questions.

Were you sedated? Yes, a light anesthesia but I don't remember anything
How many injections? Not sure
How many IU or U of botox? I think 50
Any pain or discomfort after the botox? The procedure didn't cause pain, but my fissure retore later after a BM.
Do they numb it prior to the botox? Yes
How long did it take for the botox to kick in & how long did it last? Still waiting on that (it's been over a week)
Does the botox itself numb the anus or what does the sensation feel like? I haven't noticed any difference
Did you have swelling or a lump with your fissure? If so did the botox reduce the swelling/lump? I have a skin tag on the outside and Botox won't affect/fix that issue.
What doctor and what state did your botox? Procedure was done in Indiana
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Re: Botox

Postby brycesara » 04 Feb 2020, 05:24

Thank you for your reply and answering our questions. My husband has a skin tag too. But this lump is right at the anus where the fissure is/was. It looks like hemmroid tissue but I read that a fissure can cause a lump or swelling at the site of the fissure.

Do you or did you have burning accosiayed with bowel moments?
How long have you had your fissure before botox?
Did you do diltizem for so long?
Thank you,
Bryce & Sara
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Re: Botox

Postby Allthepain2 » 04 Feb 2020, 10:40

Yes, I have burning and extreme pain with BMs. After bowel movements I usually have burning/aching pain for hours, but I take Ibuprofen and can still function in daily life activities.

I've had weeks where I've been pain free, but I've basically had this fissure for almost 3 years now. I just got Botox so I've tried a lot of other things first.

I did 2-3 rounds of Diltiazem and it actually helped immensely. I'd highly recommend it for sure. It basically put me in "remission" as long as I continued taking Miralax. I ultimately decided on Botox because I would tear without Miralax and was hoping Botox would fully heal me.

That's great that you are helping your husband so much! It's a very difficult and isolating issue. If he hasn't tried Diltiazem, I would definitely start there. I've only had Botox for 1.5 weeks, but I think the Diltiazem has been a far better choice for me (this might change when the Botox has kicked in more). Hope this helps!
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